
By Rangela
  • Period: to


  • Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

    Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
    Has gone through 5 service upgrades to help scientsts and astonauts to study our universe
  • Pentium Processor

    Pentium Processor
    Was made by Intel and was one of the first to begin our computer world.
  • Texting

    Texting was first used on two nokia phones. It impacts us because there is almost no one who doesn't text today.
  • Java

    Java is announced by sun, object-oriented scripting language. Java started an evoulution for the popularity of the Internet, Java changed the way that the Internet and applications are used and distrubuted.
  • Internet

    The internet was finally released. The internet helps with alot of things like weather, time, news, etc.
  • DVD

    Discs that are made by machines to play movies.
  • Kodak DC40 and Apple QuickTake 100

    Kodak DC40 and Apple QuickTake 100
    First digital camera marketed for consumer. Pictures can now be taken and deleted.
  • Email

    First time more email sent then postal mail in U.S.
  • IBM Computer Deep Blue

    IBM Computer Deep Blue
    The computer bets the chess master Garry Kasparov in two chess matches. Computers can now use complex calculations to help scientists.
  • HD ROM

    HD ROM
    HD ROM is introduced by Norsam Technologies. Can store hundred times over what the CD Rom can.
  • MP3.com

    MP3.com established 3,000 songs to download for free in 12 months it became the #1 music site with 3 million hits monthly. Mobile music is becoming more used.
  • HD disc

    HD disc
    High definition compact disc is introduced by Denon. Smaller than VHS tapes and don't have to rewind.
  • HD TV

    HD TV
    First HD TV on sale for $5,499 by Panasonic. The way that TV is watched is changed.
  • Google

    Google search engine is officially launched. The internet is now easier to search.
  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth is announced. Smaller technology that you can now play from one device to another without cables.