1980s postcard


By simoncd
  • Rubik's Cube Becomes Popular

    Rubik's Cube Becomes Popular
    The Rubik's cube was created in 1974 as a colored puzzle. It became popular in the early 80's
  • Pac-Man Video Game Released

    Pac-Man Video Game Released
    On this day, Pac Man hits all arcades across America. It became big on how more advanced it was from pong or any other games at home with color and more sounds. this causes more people to come to the arcades, and more people being interested in making video games as well.
  • Ted Turner Establishes CNN

    Ted Turner Establishes CNN
    Ted Turner established CNN (cable news network) on this day. The first story was about the first attempt of a civil rights leader, which later changed how the news would be broadcast-ed.
  • John Lennon Assassinated

    John Lennon Assassinated
    On this day, John Lennon was assassinated at his house by being shot in the back and pronounced dead at the hospital an hour later. The music industry and the people who listened to his music were deeply saddened as well. The killer said he did it just so he can be somebody.
  • New plague Identified as AIDS

    On this day, Aids were discovered in San Francisco, with later years coming through, there would be more cases and more deaths from this disease.
  • Personal Computer (PC) Introduced By IBM

    Personal Computer (PC) Introduced By IBM
    on this date, IBM introduced its brand new PC. With this invention, it chanced the way we see computers today, with screens that can change displays, and an affordable price, this was a computer everyone had
  • E.T Movie Released

    E.T Movie Released
    On this day, E.T was released. With a ten year old boy befriending an alien, it became the most beloved movie in the century
  • Michael Jackson Releases Thriller

    Michael Jackson Releases Thriller
    On this day, Michael Jackson Released Thriller On CBS Records. Conjuring racial divides and helping mtv, this song has definitely thrilled the top 40's chart
  • Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called "Star Wars"

    Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called "Star Wars"
    On this day, Reagan Announces "Star wars". Or in other words, a way to reduce nuclear threats, and trying to accomplish world piece and an anti missile capability to counter soviet union missiles.
  • Sally Ride Becomes The first American Woman In Space

    Sally Ride Becomes The first American Woman In Space
    On this day, Sally Ride Joins The challenger shuttle and the STS-7 Crew. She becomes the first woman to go to space, and she also helps deploy two communication satellites.
  • Hole In The Ozone Layer Discovered

    Hole In The Ozone Layer Discovered
    In 1984, a mysterious hole in the ozone appeared. It helped block some of the suns harmful rays, and the closing of the hole would harm with global warming
  • PG-13 Movie Rating Created

    PG-13 Movie Rating Created
    On this day, The movie rating PG-13 was created. it was created to help determine if movies are child appropriate or not. After this rating, NC-17 and R rated movie would come out with the same guidelines
  • Terrorists Hijack TWA Flight 847

    Terrorists Hijack TWA Flight 847
    On this day, the flight going from Athens to Rome was hijacked by shiite Hezbollah terrorists, and was taken to Lebanon. It ended with one death and a negotiation to get them back
  • Wreck Of The Titanic Found

    Wreck Of The Titanic Found
    ON this date, The wreck of the titanic was found on the east side of newfoundland in the North atlantic. This found new details on how it sunk, and what happened when it did sink.
  • U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station

    U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station
    After the space wars inn the 60's, Russia finally launches Mir, which reflected Russia and its success. in English, Mir meant "world" "peace" and "village"
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes

    Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes
    The challenger was one of nasal greatest accomplishments. it successfully one of its missions in 1983. But on this day, it explodes, which later causes grief, and ways to be sure something like this would never happen again
  • U.S. Bombs Libya

    U.S. Bombs Libya
    With tensions running high with the U.S. and The Middle East, The United States bombs Libya. The main focus was to stop terrorism, and successfully bombed five "terrorist centers"
  • The Oprah Winfrey Show Gets National Syndication

    The Oprah Winfrey Show Gets National Syndication
    Oprah Winfrey's new show is now broadcasted nationally for the first time ever on this day. The show would frequently talk about controversial material, and also sensitive material as well.
  • Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds

    Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds
    On this day, a plane was shot down. With questioning about what was going on, it was later revealed that weapons were being transported to Iran by Contras, and that the CIA was involved in some way. This later causes more tension and beliefs of corruption in the us.
  • New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop On "Black Monday"

    New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop On "Black Monday"
    After the stock crash back around the twenties, America faces another stock crash on this day. People lost more than 500 billion dollars in the crash, and caused a financial panic in the U.S.
  • World Wide Web Invented

    World Wide Web Invented
    With computers given massive attention in america, Tim Berner-Lee invented the world wide web (www). This causes pages to now come up, research being easier, communication coming through, and a new way to broadcast news
  • Exxon Valdez Spills Millions Of Gallons Of Oil On Coastline

    Exxon Valdez Spills Millions Of Gallons Of Oil On Coastline
    On the coast of Alaska, Exxon spills around 10.1 million gallons of oil on the coastline. Many animals were killed because of this, and lingering oil is still being found
  • Students Massacred In China's Tiananmen Square

    Students Massacred In China's Tiananmen Square
    With the protests about pro-democracy going on, the Chinese police arrested and murdered hundreds to thousands of people. the protestors viewed that the government was too repressive. this protest lasted three weeks.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    At the beginning of the cold war, there was a wall that was constructed between Berlin. One side was for communism, and the other for capitalism. With people chanting "open the gate", both parties had destroyed the wall, and the cold war begins to end
  • Romanian Leader Nicolae Ceausescu And His Wife Are Executed

    Romanian Leader Nicolae Ceausescu And His Wife Are Executed
    Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were both executed for crimes against the state. with genocide being the main cause of this, they were both shot. this ends the countries communist party that was ran over his term