1930s and 40s

  • Period: to

    My favorite years 1930s & 1940s

  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    The first Mickey Mouse comic strip is released. I love Mickey Mouse so very much he has always been my favorite.
  • Frozen Food

    Frozen Food hits the market. I want to be a chef in my later years after I retire from work. Frozen food is a great staple to have because fresh foods can go bad very quickly and this causes you to lose money.
  • National Anthem

    The Star Spangled Banner is approved as the national anthem by Congress and President Hoover. ALthough I am not a big fan of the United States; I love the National Anthem because it is so beautifully put together.
  • Lindbergh baby kidnapped

    This is a very sad event and ended up being very tragic because they did not find the baby alive. The interesting part of this tragic event is that they used people who had visions about the baby to find him.
  • The Shadow

    The Shadow is a very old but popular radio show before tvs were popular. It is an investigative show and it is really good. You can find these shows on the Youtube if you look up The Shadow
  • Send your kitchen fat to the meat man

    This is funny but when i used to cook with Crisco (which is unhealthy as all get out) I would save the fat. I was wondering one day who started it and I found out that they started saving their fat for the war because they can use it in the war to make explosives.
  • Frozen French Fries

    I love french fries in frozen form. They are like crack all you have to do is put them in oil and pop some seasoning on them and boom time to eat.I like my french fries crunchy by the way.
  • Marilyn Monroe

    I think that Marilyn Monroe is so pretty and it doesnt even matter that she may have slept with the President. I love her fashion and music. I have watched every movie she has been in so yea I'm a huge fan
  • Tupperware

    Okay, this is kind of weird but because I love to cook so much I need something to store it in so I use Tupperware. This mess is so awesome you can put everything in it and just pop it in the fridge.
  • Jolly Ranchers

    Jolly Ranchers are so tasty. They coat your teeth with sugar after you eat a ton of them and my tongue goes numb and I have to drink water but they are really tasty.