
By lk3120
  • Empire State building Completed

    Empire State building Completed
    At the time of its completion, the empire state building was the tallest in the world. it stands 1250 ft tall.
  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

    The dust bowl was a period of drought in the 1930's. It was named for the blizzard-like dust storms.
  • Al Capone Imprisoned

    Al Capone Imprisoned
    Al Capone was imprisoned for tax evasion. Despite the public knowledge that he was in charge of murders, no one could or would sentence him for it. He got 11 yrs and an 80,000 dollar fine. He did not return to the gangster life because prohibition was ended.
  • Amelia Earhart solo's the atlantic

    Amelia Earhart solo's the atlantic
    She was the first woman to solo the Atlantic in an airplane. She also set several speed records in an airplane
  • Alcatraz Becomes a federal Prison

    Alcatraz Becomes a federal Prison
    It was one of the highest security prisons in the world. It was shut down in 1963 because of operating costs.
  • Huey Long Assassinated

    Huey Long Assassinated
    Huey Long was the only Republican who stood a chance of beating FDR in the election. World war 2 eventually changed the economy.
  • Hoover dam complete

    Hoover dam complete
    The hoover dam was hoovers attempt to change the Depression. Today, it provides electricity for many Americans and also backs up the largest reservoir in the US
  • Hitler Annexes Austria

    Hitler Annexes Austria
    It was the first step in Hitlers plan to take over Europe to feed his people.
  • World War 2 Begins

    World War 2 Begins
    Germany attacked Poland who was backed by Great Britain and France. The fighting in Europe had officially begun.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of germany

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor of germany
    Hitler and the Nazi parties rise to power brought about world war 2. Unfortunately, Hitler was one of the best speakers of his time.