1911 chinese revolution

  • Agreement happening

    The chain of events immediately leading to the revolution began when an agreement was signed with a four-power group of foreign bankers for the construction of lines on the Hukwang (Huguang) Railway in central China.
  • revolting?

    The premature Huang Hua Kang revolt in Canton is bungled [530.PM]; scores of Revolutionary Alliance activists are executed
    ==end of April > Reconsidering its strategy, the Revolutionary Alliance decides to concentrate its efforts on the Middle Yangtze area
  • whos emperor?

    the emperor Puyi was a child,
  • what boiled?

    the dissatisfaction boiled over into open revolt. In several cities Manchu garrisons had been massacred, the regent had been forced out of office, a provisional republican government had been set up at Nanjing”
  • The plot uncovered

    in consequence of the uncovering of a plot in Hankou, that had little or no connection with the Sichuan episode, a mutiny broke out among the troops in Wuchang, and this is regarded as the formal beginning of the revolution.
  • Double ten

    Three activists are executed in Wuhan [morning] - local revolutionaries fear that mass reprisals are imminent - engineering troops mutiny in Wuchang and seize the arsenal [evening]:
  • The Claims

    The revolutionaries fully control the three cities of Wuhan (Wuchang, Hankow, and Hanyang)
  • Military actions

    The Revolutionary Military Governor of Hunan is assassinated by local anti-Manchu elites - ~splits between moderate and radical rebels
  • who became elected?

    Sun Yat-sen is elected president
  • Yuan opens up

    Yuan agreed to an armistice and entered upon negotiations with the republicans.