
  • Compromise of 1850

    An important event in the compromise of 1850 is the fugitive slave act- when a slave runs away, he had to be returned to it's owner.
    The compromise of 1850 was a big impact because of the slavery tensions between the North and the South. It was a national crisis.
    -Found in New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln got elected president. He was the president over the southern states and they succeed.
    The election of 1860 was were the south were not very happy so the succeed.
    -Found in New Georgia Encyclopedia.
  • Chickamauga

    In the Chickamauga war the confederate won. The confederate troops under General James Longstreet attacked, driving union forces to Chattanooga.
    The battle pushed the union back to Chattanooga and they didn't let it go back through Georgia. This shows the impact the war haf by the confederates winning.
    -Found in New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Sherma's March to the Sea

    The confederate won the war. They marched through Georgia to the Atlantic ocean. The desertion rate for the confederate had soared!
    The whole impact was Sherman left his supply line and marched across Georgia to the Atlantic ocean to prove to confederates population of it's government can't protect people from invaders.
    -Found in New Geeorgia Encyclopedia
  • Sharecropping

    Sharecropping is when they agreed to exchange their labor and a portion of their crops to a landowner in return for land to work. They have to buy certain things from the landowners store which put the workers in debt, which they had to pay off the landowners.
    It's where people with no land worked on farms owned by others, and at the end of the season landowners paid workers a share of the crop.
    -Found in the New Georgia Encyclopedia.
  • Freedmen Bureau

    The Freedmen Bureau was an organization trying to help freemen. For example they gave food, clothes, and shelter tot them.
    Congress created the Bureau of refugees, Freedmen, and Abandon lands to aid African Americans undergoing the transition from slavery to freedmen.
    -Found in New Georgia Encyclopedia.