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    Napoleonic Wars

    Wars led by the great military leader Napolean Boneparte
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    Congress of vienna meets to restore stability in europe

    Wanted to restore order in Europe after years of war
  • Nappy defeated at Waterloo

    After 100 days of rule, opposing armies took down Nappy's forces and sent him into exile once again.
  • Greek independence

    Once a part of the ottoman empire, Greece gained their independance after a reovlt.
  • Liverpool-Manchester railway open

    After years of debate, Parliment gave approval to the building of the Liverpool-Manchester railway.
  • Queen Victoria Begins her reign

    Only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent, Came to throne because her uncles had no legitamate children.
  • potato famine in Ireland begins

    Brgan because of an airborne fungus called phytophthora infestans, brought on ships travelling from North America to England.
  • Communist Manifesto published

    Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolts beginnig in Sicily against the European monarchies
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    Crimean War

    France, Russia, andBritain competing for control of the turks in the middle east
  • Bessemer process is invented

    first inexpensive industrial way of removing impurities from steel
  • Czar alexander II frees serfs

    Asked The Gentry ofmocscow to consider emancipating ther serfs instead of waiting for a uprising
  • Charles Darwin publishes Book

    The Origin of Species had sold outin its original printing, and went on to have six more editions in the next thirteen years
  • dynamite invented

    Created by Alfred Nobel, a swedish industrialist
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    Dual Monarchy Of Austria-Hungary

  • Suez canal Opens in egypt

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    Franco-Prussian War

    obviously a war between france and prussia, part of prussias plan to unify germany
  • German unificaton

    decided over the course of three wars: the Danish War, Austro-Prussian war, and the Franco-prussian War
  • Unification of Italy

    Inspired by the revolutions of 1848
  • Czar Alexander II assassinated

    Russian ruler, Killed in the streets of st. petersburg by a bomber
  • European Nations carve up Africa

    European nations distribute nations of africa amongst themselves
  • Dreyfus convicted of treason

    on trial for treason for twelve years