
1775 - 1900 AP World

  • East India Company in India

    East India Company in India
    The Biritish trading company had control of India by 1757, and this would mark the begining of British colonization in India
  • James Cook Reaches New Zealand

    James Cook Reaches New Zealand
    The British Explorer James Cook visited, and mapped out New Zealand. This caused british trade to the island, and also caused Europens to settle
  • England Surveys Australia

    England Surveys Australia
    James Cook surveys East Australia for the British and returns home.
  • Period: to

    Colonialism & Reactions by the Natives

  • United States Independence

    United States Independence
    Decelration of Indepence signed and the 13 Colonies officaly seperate from Britain after years of tensions.
  • Britain Colonize Australia

    Britain Colonize Australia
    The British Fleet arrives in Australia and establishes a colony for prisoners because England had to big of a prison population at home. As a consequence to the start of colonization of Australia, the Aborigines(a.k.a. the natives) got kicked off their land much like the Amerindians in America.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States puchased a large amount of land West of the Mississippi River from France. Not only did this allow Americans to colonize the plains, but it also lead to bloody conflict with native tribes such as the Souix
  • Haiti Gains Independence

    Haiti Gains Independence
    After years of being under control of teh French, Haiti gets free and becomes a new nation.
  • Mexico Declares Independence From Spain

    Mexico Declares Independence From Spain
    The people of New Spain reacted very negativly towards Spanish rule, and after century of opression, and recent sucessful revolutions around the mexican people, they reevolted and declared independence from spain.
  • Brazil Gains Independence

    Brazil Gains Independence
    After the Colony of Brazil experienced economic downturns and it successfully defending Pedro, Brazils' ruler, from being arrested by liberals in Portugal, Pedro declared the nation free by proclaiming, "Independence or death!" Thus Brazil was free from Portugals control.
  • British Claim New Zealand

    British Claim New Zealand
    The British Empire appoints James Busby as leader of New Zealand. The Maori tribes revolted and fought for their independance
  • British Own New Zealand

    British Own New Zealand
    After years of fighting with the native people, the British declare their dominance, and reign over New Zealand.
  • British Fail to conquer Afghanistan

    British Fail to conquer Afghanistan
    The Biritish Empire wanted to extend its control of South Asia by pressing into Afghanistan. They were humiliated by the Afghan forces, and they then settled back into India
  • Treaty of Ports Signed

    Treaty of Ports Signed
    British coloize Hong Kong and other ports.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    The Sepoy Rebellion was India's reaction to the British colonizing them. The Sepoys were Indian soldiers that were under control of the British. They revolted because of the introduction of the breech-loading Enfield rifle which required them to bite of a grease cartridge, they thought the grease was which the sepoys feared was made with either cow or pig fat, which was against their religion.
  • British Gov. Now Rule India

    British Gov. Now Rule India
    Before the Sepoy Rebellion, the British East India Trading Company had controll over India, but after the rebellion, the British felt that they had to assert their dominance over the natives, and India officialy was added to the British Empire
  • Alaska is Bought by the USA

    Alaska is Bought by the USA
    For 7.2 million dollars secratary of state William H. Seward aquired Alaska as a territory.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    Lead by Otto Von Bismark of Germany, this conference between the major Europeon powers discussed the colonization of Africa. This caused every prt of Africa (Except for Ethiopia) owned by a Europeon empire.
  • Philipphine Rebellion against Spain

    Philipphine Rebellion against Spain
    Spain had colonized the East Indies since 1571, and there had been a few rebellions before. Spain was fighting in the Spanish-American War. The US sent troops in to support the rebels, and eventually won and the Philipphines were then a territory in the US.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    Conflict between the Spanish and the Americans, that lead to America owning more colonial territories, like the Philippenes, Puerto Rico, and Guam
  • Australia Gains Independence

    Australia Gains Independence
    Britain encouraged Australia to become self-governed. in 1901, Australia unified and emerged from the federation of six separate colonies. Today it is still part of the commonwealth.