By 21839
  • MY birth

    On April 4 1999 kayden was born in Indiapolis
  • My First Real Birthday

    I was 4 years old and finally spending my first real birthday, I was so scared when everyone sang happy birthday so I started crying
  • starting

    IN 2006 I started working out like running sprints and stuff with my brother and dad and we still do it today.
  • My first year

    MY first year of playing football is when I was 8 i played when i was in third grade and playing with the fifth graders I was small (hard to beleive) and got killed Couse It was my first year and i was still learning They would hit me harder than ever thats how I got so big
  • Rose Bowl

    On this day my family and i went to the rose bowl for our family trip and for Christmas
  • NFL game

    On this day my fanily and i went to our first football game we went to the Colts
  • up ahead

    When I was In fourthgrade I played With the 5th graders my second year of playing I got allot better cause I worked out in the summer with my dad When I played my grade last year in 2010 And i killed people