Year 9 History

By wkiska
  • Invention of the Gatling Gun

    The gatling gun was one of the first ever rapid-fire guns that was invented by Richard Gatling. The gatling gun was first used in the American Civil War of 1860's by the Union side, and later used in battles such as San Juan Hill, in the American-Spanish War.
  • The three laws of motion by Isaac Newton

    The three laws of motion by Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion when he observed an apple falling from a tree. These laws that were stated by Newton have helped us by discovering how our universe works.
  • Start of the French Revolution (Storming of the Bastille)

    Start of the French Revolution (Storming of the Bastille)
    The French Revolution started on the 17th of July, 1789 by civilians storming the Bastille. When the civilians started to revolt, the people demanded weapons from the Bastille, but the Governor, Bernard de Launay, refused, thus making the civilians storming the fort and taking up arms against the tyrany of King Louis XVI.
  • The forming of the Federation of Australia

    The forming of the Federation of Australia
    On the 1st of January, the six British self-governing colonies of Australia signed the Constituition of Australia by forming the Federation of Australia, meaning that one government now governed the whole country of Australia without British influence.
  • The start of World War One

    The start of World War One
    The First World War, also known as the Great War, started on the 28th of July, 1914. The First World War started by the assassination of the archduke of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy, Franz Ferdinand by the member of the Serbian "Black Hand", Gavrilo Princip. Two allies were formed during World War 1, the Central Power and the Allies. The Central Power included: Germany, Austria-Hungary and also the Ottoman Empire while the Allies insisted of: Great Britain and the Commonwealth, France, Russia