WWI Events

  • Archduke Francis Ferdinand is Assassinated.

    Archduke Francis Ferdinand is Assassinated.
    Francis is assassinated by a Serbian-backed terrorist group. This action arguably led to WWI
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary, angered by the assasination of Franz Ferdinand, delcares war on Serbia. This eventually plunges into WWI
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia after they start mobilizing for war. This brings a big player in military into the field.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Germany declares total war on France. This brings in France's ally, Russia into WWI, as well was Great Britain some time later.
  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium
    Germany goes through Belgium killing and pillaging its people. This brings Great Britain into the war as they had an alliance with Belgium.
  • German U-Boats sink the Lusitania.

    German U-Boats sink the Lusitania.
    The U-boats sink an ocean cruise liner, killing over a hundred Americans. This outraged civillians in America, calling for war.
  • Germany announces unrestricted sumbmarine warfare

    Germany announces unrestricted sumbmarine warfare
    Germany says they will destroy any ship within their "restricted zone". They accomplsihed this using their U-boats.
  • The Zimmermann Note is discovered

    The Zimmermann Note is discovered
    The Zimmermann note is interepted and decoded in Britain. This leads to an outcry for war in America.
  • The US declares war on Germany

    The US declares war on Germany
    The bill to delcare war was suggested on April 2nd, and passed on April 6th. This formally brought the US into the war.
  • The Russian Monarchy is Overthrown

    The Russian Monarchy is Overthrown
    Lenin overthrows the Bolsheviks and declares himself ruler. He sets up a communist government.
  • Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsik

    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsik
    Russia signs this treaty with the Central Powers. Russia left the war earlier than the other allies.
  • Congress passes the Sedition Act

    Congress passes the Sedition Act
    The government passes the sedition act, which allowed the government to supress the freedom of spech if it was to criticise the government or the war effort. If this was in violation of the bill of rights is still a hot topic.
  • Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles

    Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles
    Germany agrees to the terms set by the League of Nations. This was the offical ending to WWI