WW2 Part 1

By prydejo
  • Adolf Hitler is named leader of Nazi party

  • The Nazi party try to overthrow the government but fail this is known as the Beer Hall Hitler

    Hitler is thrown in prison
  • Mein Kampf is written, It reveals the political ideology of Hitler

  • Germany is admitted to the League of Nations

  • Stock Market on Wall Street crashes

    Lead to global economic failure.
  • Germans elect Nazi party is elected into government

    Nazi party become 2nd largest political party in Germany
  • FDR is elected

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor

  • The Reichstag burns after being set fire by Nazis

    The Reichstag is the seat of the German Gov.
  • The first concentration camp is opened in Orienburg

    Used for holding political opponents and Jews
  • The Enabling Act is passed which grants Hitler power

    The enabling act is an act that would end all democracy in Germany
  • Nazis boycott Jewish owned shops

  • Nazis burn books to get rid of all unGerman ideas

  • Nazis open the Dachau concentration camp

    Used to round up political opponents and all known anti-Nazis
  • Nazis declared Germany's only political party

  • Germany quits the League of Nations

    This occurs because of all the limitations placed on Germany
  • Night of the Long Knives

    This night was when the Nazis took out all of their political opposition
  • Nazis murder the Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss

  • German President Hindenburg dies of natural causes

    Hitler had plans to kill him
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

  • Hitler violates the treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription

  • The Nuremberg Laws are passed

    The laws strip Jews of citizenship