WW1 Timeline by Thai Tran

  • Triple Alliance formed

    Triple Alliance formed
    The Triple Alliance was fromed on the 20th of may 1882. It's main purpose was to protect each other from great power. And to fight for one another when one of the other where under attaack. The countries that were in the Triple Alliance were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
  • Period: to

    Led up to WW1 and what really happend

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russain Revolution was revolutions that created the Soviet Union and created perhaps the most amount of change in the history of Russia.The event destroyed the Tsarist autocracy.During October ( Red October) were Tsar Nicholas II was forced to step down, Communist Bolshevik was now in charge in Russia were he created the Soviet union and the Royal Family was shot down
  • Triple Entente formed

    Triple Entente formed
    On the Agust of the 31st 1907 the French Republic, the British Empire and the Russian Empire. It was formed due to the rising power of Germany and it's intention to contruct a navy to match the Royal navy in the late 1890's. Other countries such as Japan and Portugal later (During WW1) joined the alliance.
  • 1st Balkan war begans

    1st Balkan war begans
    The Balkin war was 2 succesive military conflicts that deprised the Ottoman Empire. Although it only lasted for 7 months and 3 weeks and a day the impact that it had on Europe and the rest of the world was big. In a way it was another reason as to why WW1 started. Bit of a lead up event. During the war the Ottpman empire had started to lose it's holdings in Europe to Serbia, Bulgaria and the Greeks. in which Italy had convince Bulgaria and Greece to go into war and beomce allie with Italy.
  • 1st Balkan war ENDS

    1st Balkan war ENDS
    It was quite clear that the Turks were not prepared to fight for there land. After a successful war for the Serbians, Bulgarians and the Greeks (capture of Salonika. Often knowed as Thessaloniki). a peace confrence was opened in London to get all nations participating Balkan war to sign a a peach among all nations . This resulting in the resume of the Balkan war again in Feb 1913. A second successful attempt was made again to stop the war in April 1913. all nations later in March stoped.
  • 2nd Balkan war Starts

    2nd Balkan war Starts
    When Serbia demanded more land in the South from Albania. So in june 13 Serbia signed a alliance with Greece to get land that they both wanted. When they sent troops in this started the Balin war again.
  • 2nd Balkin war ends for good

    2nd Balkin war ends for good
    After Bulgaria had attacked Greek and Serbian military positions in Macedonia to asser there powers and because they were angry over negotigations, Bulgaria decided to try and restore peace. Peace talks and negotigations started in July 30 1913. all countries finally came into an agreement in the 10th of August in 1913. Still after the peace was restored there was still alot of tensions and rivalries which made WW1 what it was.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Germany declares war with France on this afternoon on the 10th of Jun 1914. 2 days after declaring war on Serbia because of the Schlieffan plan. Germany and Brtiain later delare war on Germany as they (Germany and Brtain) are alliances.
  • Austria-Hunguary declare war on Serbia

    Austria-Hunguary declare war on Serbia
    Austria-Hunguary declares war on Serbia after the assasination of Franz Ferdinand and the threat of Serbia after Serbia had weakened the Austraia-Hunguary empire during the tumultuous balkan reign of Europe as Serbia pushed for union over the south-slavic people
  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    On the June 19th of 1914, nine teen year old Bosnian-Serb Gavrillo Pricip had done the un-thinkable when he assasinated not only the the Arduke of Austria but he's wife as well. The assasination of Franz Ferdinand is widley cosidered as the spark that created WW1. Later on during the the year 1914 Gavrillo Pricip was senrenced to maximum number of years in jail having been to young to recive the death penalty.
  • Russia Mobilises troops to Austria-Hungary

    Russia Mobilises troops to  Austria-Hungary
    Russia starts a chain reaction to the rest of europe when it annonced mobilisation to Austria-Hungary in favour of it's allies Serbia.
  • Germany declares war on Serbia

    Germany declares war on Serbia
    Germany goes into war with Serbia because Germany signed a vow/oath to all the countries in the triple alliance that it would help one another one one country in the alliance goes into war or is being attacked. This move was mainly done because Germany thought that it ought to teach the shifty Serbs a lesson.
  • WW1 begains

    WW1 begains
    WW1 begains when Germany invades Belguim due to the fact that Belguim would not let Germany enter Belguim in order to gain acess to France. Thus triggering a chain of reactions which cause allies of Belguim and Germany to enter the war.
  • Great Britian declare war on Germany

    Great Britian declare war on Germany
    Because Germany was in war with France and the UK and France were allies ( The triple Entente) the UK decided that now was there best time to strike Germany due to fears of Germany's rising power over the years.
  • Montenegro declares war on Ottoman empire

    Montenegro declares war on Ottoman empire
    Due to the conflic rearlier on between the Montengero-Ottoman war between the dates of of18 June 1876 – 19 February 1878. So as we can tell there was still conflict between the 21 nations, expecially when it came to the Balkan war and now WW1.
  • Gallipoli war

    Gallipoli war
    Often known as the alies greatest disasters in WW1, it wasfought at the peninsula in Gallipoli. It was planed by Winston Churchill wh thought the best way to end WW1 was to create a new one in which the Otterman Empire would get thrown donw.
  • Germany destroy Lusitania submarine WW1

    Germany destroy Lusitania submarine WW1
    On may the seventh much to the out rage and the despair of the world a German submarine took down a Lustiana sibmarine killing 1198 people on board in which there were also 128 American soldiers dead. The deaths of the American solder trigers the US to join WW1 in which this would mean defeat for Germany. ( as the USA are apart of the British Empire)
  • Italy declare on Germany and Austria

    Italy declare on Germany and Austria
    When WW1 brooke out in WW1 Italy had become a "neutral". Even though it was allies with the Triple Alliance. After m uch thought on what would benifit them the most Italy decided to become a part of the Triple Entente in which it helped them by declaring war on the dangourous Germany in which alot of countries feared.
  • Germany capture warsaw from Russia

    Germany capture warsaw from Russia
    On June 13 Germany decided to attack Warsaw. Russia tried to defend it but eventually lost. Costing the Russians over 90,000 thousand lives. This event is most commonly know as the seige of Warsaw
  • Germany Fire

    Germany Fire
    In the first time ever in history Germany introduce the first ever fire shells in which large amounts of chlorine gas are used inside the fire shells to cause death very quickly and knock out a opposition's defence, When Germany fired these fire shell away at the French line it caused near callapes of the French line in which Germany later on where not able to seize upon the advantage of the the near collapse of the French front line.
  • First Tank ever used in battle!

    First Tank ever used in battle!
    The Bristish were the first empire to deploy the first Tanks ever used in battle in WW1. Though great for for crahing through fences and creating clear paths it lacked to be a decisive weapon that the makers/designers thought that it would be.
  • Germany limits Submarines in battle

    Germany limits Submarines in battle
    Reacting to the global outrage, global criticim from around the world of the sininking os Lustiana and in particular the USA entering the war, Germany decided to limit the number of Submarines they were sening out in attempt to keep the US out of WW1 as they were apart of the British Empire. ( As the Bristish Empire was apart of the Triple Entente.
  • British surrender at Kut, Mesopotamia

    British surrender at Kut, Mesopotamia
    Under the order of Sir Charles Townsend after withstanding 5 months of brutal forces by Germany and the Ottorman Empire 130,000 soldier gave in to the commands.
  • Germany goes all out on Submarine attack again

    Germany goes all out on Submarine attack again
    Germany resumes it's unrestricted submarine warfare after a year and a half. This acts draw the US (apart of the British Empire meaning apart of the Entente powers)into war and this results in the defeat of Germany later on.
  • German tries to be allies with Mexico.

    German tries to be allies with Mexico.
    Bristish intelligence give Wilson a Zimmerman Telegram in which the German foregin secretery Arthur Zimmerman proposes that Mexico should be allies with Germany incase war breaks out between the US and Germany after much heated confrontations in previous years. Germany also tells Mexico in an attempt to futhur pursuade them that if it chooses to be allies with Germany, Germany will return the "Lost Provinces."
    The US later finds out about this which it outrages the US and angers the US.
  • USA declare war on Germany

    USA declare war  on Germany
    Due to USA still being a part of the British Empire, and USA conceding that they thought Germany was a clear threat to the rest of the world and in particular USA. Due to the fact that Germany tried to be allies with Mexico angered the USA to take war against Germany with the Brgitish Empire so that they could take down Germany once and for all/
  • Germany capture Mink, Zhytomyr, Estonia, Pskov, Narva and Kiev

    Germany capture Mink, Zhytomyr, Estonia, Pskov, Narva and Kiev
    From the 21st of Feburary to March the 2nd of Feburary Germany had already captured and pvertaken the land of Mink, Zhytomyr, Estonia, Pskov, Narva and Kiev.
  • Geremany falls

    Geremany falls
    On the 21st of March Germany trued to brake the allies that were attacking Germany beofre America came. On the 8th of August thanks to the UAtralian Army addided by aircrafts all allies against Germany finally brooke the Germany line. And wehn America camew they finished the job. This lead to the end of WW1 very shortly.
  • Turkish forces collapsed at Megiddo

    Turkish forces collapsed at Megiddo
    It was based in the Middle-east where a hole broke a line of the Turkish defence causing a collapse within the next 24 hours
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    Altrhough America only joined the war in 1917, they supplied weapons, ammo and aircrafts. On 11 Novemeber after finally relieasing that this war was doing no good officall all countries agreewd to end WW1 once and for all.