Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and his wife, had decided to inspect Austro-Hungarian troops in Bosnia. The date chosen for the inspection was a national day in Bosnia. The Black Hand supplied a group of students with weapons for an assassination attempt to mark the occa
    Around 10:00 a.m., the archducal party left Philipovic army camp, where Franz Ferdinand had performed a brief review of the troops.
  • the outcome of ww1

    the outcome of ww1
    World War I involved more countries and caused greater destruction than any other war except World War II. An assassin's bullets set off the war, and a system of military alliances plunged the main European powers into the fight. Each side expected quick victory but the war lasted four years and took the lives of nearly 10 million troops.
  • Austria declared war on Serbia

    Austria declared war on Serbia
    The Austrian government blamed the Serbian government for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife and declared war on Serbia. Although Russia was allied with Serbia, Germany did not believe that she would mobilise and offered to support Austria if necessary. However, Russia did mobilise and, through their alliance with France, called on the French to mobilise.
  • British declaration of war

    British declaration of war
    Germany did not withdraw from Belgium and Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Russia declared war on Turkey

    Russia declared war on Turkey
    Because of the help given by Turkey to the German attack of Russia, Russia declared war on Turkey.
  • Britain and France declared war on Turkey

    Britain and France declared war on Turkey
    Britain and France, Russia's allies, declared war on Turkey, because of the help given to the German attack on Russia.
  • Early stages of the war

    Early stages of the war
    The German advance through Belgium to France did not go as easily as the Germans had hoped. The Belgians put up a good fight destroying railway lines to slow the transport of German supplies.The British lost a huge number of men at the first battle of Ypres. By Christmas, all hopes that the war would be over had gone and the holiday saw men of both sides digging themselves into the trenches of the Western Front.
  • Dardenelles

    The Russians appealed for help from Britain and France to beat off an attack by the Turkish. The British navy responded by attacking Turkish forts in the Dardenelles.
  • Lusitania sunk

    Lusitania sunk
    There outraged protests from the United States at the German U-boat campaign, when the Lusitania, which had many American passengers aboard, was sank. The Germans moderated their U-boat campaign
  • Italy

    Italy entered the war on the side of the Allies.