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Writing History

By harrisk
  • Writing my name

    I remember sitting down at the kitchen table with my mom. Writing my name was first then I slowly was able to write my mom and dad's name as well as my brother.
  • Going to school

    Throughout kindergarten, I remember going from writing the ABC's to creating sentences like "the cat ran"
  • Throughout the years

    Throughout my early elementary years writing was never really my strongest or favorite subject. It wasn't necessarily that it was hard for me, I just didn't like taking the time to sit down and write. I would rather play and do other things.
  • Middle School

    Middle school was similar to elementary in that I didn't like writing and it wasn't my strongest subject. In 7th grade, my English teacher was not one of my favorites. She never made me feel good about my work and always felt embarassed to show my work to my peers or turn it in to my teacher.
  • High School

    My junior year in high school I wrote a paper that I was most proud of. In our American Studies class we had to write a paper about a moment in our lives that had a big impact or change. I wrote about my cousin who passed away the year before. It was a very emotional and personal piece and meant so much to me. I had never really taken time to write down my feelings or express them in this way so this paper was a big step for me and it felt good!
  • Poetry

    In both my freshman and senior years in high school we had to create a poetry portfolio. This included some of our favorite poems and all of the different poems we wrote. I really enjoyed writing the poems and putting together this portfolio. I found poetry to be one of my favorite ways of writing because it is so unique and can be very personal
  • College

    When first starting college and taking my first college English class, I still didn't feel very comfortable with my writing and felt I wasn't the best. This made me not really enjoy my first couple English courses. Now, I am still not the most comfortable but I am definitely getting better! :)