World War Two Timeline

  • Hitlers "Saturday Surprise"

    Hitlers "Saturday Surprise"
    Hitler announces that he will rebuild his air force and army. He does this on the weekend so that the British leaders are not expecting it. He states to the world that these are "defensive" matters.
  • Taking Austria

    Hitler summons the Prime Minister of Austria, Kurt Von Schuschnigg. He gives Schuschnigg three days to decide on whether Austria should become appart of "Greater Germany."
    Schuschinigg lets the people vote to see what they would like.
  • Appeasing Hitler

    Many Germans wanted Hitler to come back into full power. Hitler supported those demands and returned to full power. the Czechs asked their allies for help but they were also supporting Germany.
  • Death Threats and Broken Promises

    Hitler tells other nations that they were being hypocritical saying that Germany was mistreating the Jews. He says that he will get rid of the Jewish problem. People think that he is foolish.
  • Targeting Poland

    Targeting Poland
    Nazis took a handfull of prisoners to Gleiwitz, a town that was right on the Polish boarder. The Nazis then dressed the prisoners in Polish army uniforms and killed them. The Nazis then move into Poland and Hitler declares War against Poland.
  • Conquests in the East

    Heinrich Himmler plotted the outcome of the Polish children He says that there should be no higher school than the fourth grade. The boys would become Nazi soilders while the girls would be prepared for motherhood.
  • Conquests of the West

    France has finally fell. Hitler now has full control of all of Western Europe except for Britian. Britian was now fighting on their own.
  • The Invasion of Russia

    The Invasion of Russia
    Hitler orders the Invasion of Russia. He wants the "Jewish-Bolshevik menace" destroyed. Four SS units stormed into Russia nd was ordered to murder anyone who was considered "enemy of state."
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    The United States declares war on Japan. Before the bombing at Pearl Harbor Japan and Germany were allies. Japan then askes Germany if they would support them against the United States.