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World War I

  • 18

    Armistice Day ends WWI

    Armistice Day ends WWI
    The armistice was the first step to ending WWI.Within six hours of signature,WWI starts to end.
  • President Woodrow Wilson

    President Woodrow Wilson
    Wilson was the 28th president of the United States from 1913-1921.At the outbreak of World War I,he led America into war to “make the world safe for democracy”.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Ferdinand was shot to death by Bosnian Serb Nationalist and sparked a chain of events.The event let to the outbreak of World War I by early August
  • America Proclaimed Neutrality

    America Proclaimed Neutrality
    As war broke out in Europe,Woodrow Wilson proclaimed neutrality for the U.S immediately.He stated that America must be “Impartial in thought as well as in action
  • The Battle of Marne

    The Battle of Marne
    The Battle of Marne was a battle during WWI that went from the 5th of September to the 12th of September in 1914.This resulted in an Entente victory against Germany.
  • The sinking of the Lusitania

    The sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a UK-ocean liner and was torpedoed by an German navy U-boat.
  • The battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun
    In the battle of Verdun,the French repulsed a major German Offensive.305,000 we’re killed.
  • The Sussex Incident

    The Sussex Incident
    A French cross-channel passenger streamer(The Sussex)was being torpedoed by a German Submarine and wounded 2 Americans.
  • The battle of The Somme

    The battle of The Somme
    The battle of Somme was also known as the “Somme offense”.300,000 deaths occurred.
  • The re-election of president Woodrow Wilson

    The re-election of president Woodrow Wilson
    On Tuesday November 7th,1916, incumbent Democratic president Woodrow Wilson nearly defeated former associate justice of the Supreme Court Charles Evans Hughes.
  • The declaration of unrestricted Submarine Warfare by Germany

    The declaration of unrestricted Submarine Warfare by Germany
    Germany hoped to break British stranglehold blockade and declared submarine warfare.Civilians were attacked also by U-boats.
  • The interception of the Zimmermann Telegram

    The interception of the Zimmermann Telegram
    Mexico and Germany secretly talked and tried to become a team behind the US's back when Germany offered Mexico states back if Mexico joined them.The US were frustrated.
  • The Selective service act

    The Selective service act
    This act served to raise a national army for service in WWI.
  • The passing of the Espionage Act

    The passing of the Espionage Act
    After the US entered WWI,two months later prosecutions under the act let to landmark First Amendment precedents.
  • The landing of the American Expeditionary Force in France.

    The landing of the American Expeditionary Force in France.
    In late June,the first American Expeditionary Forces contingent landed in France.They helped alot through the war.
  • The US enter WWI

    The US enter WWI
    The submarine attacks by the Germans were a primary reason on Wilson leading the US to war in WWI.The US declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7,1917.
  • The beginning of the Spanish Flu Epidemic.

    The beginning of the Spanish Flu Epidemic.
    On the start of February,the Spanish flu was going around and killing.Nearly 25-50 million deaths occured.
  • The Fourteen Points by President Wilson

    The Fourteen Points by President Wilson
    The 14 points was an address delivered at a joint meeting of congress.Wilson outlined his vision for a stable.
  • Russia pulls out of WWI

    Russia pulls out of WWI
    On March 3rd,1918.In Brest-Letovsk near the polish border,Russia signed a treaty with the central powers ending their participation in WWI
  • The passing of the Sedition Act

    The passing of the Sedition Act
    The Sedition Act curtailed the free speech rights of the United States citizens during WWI.
  • The battle of Argonne Forest

    The battle of Argonne Forest
    The Argonne offensive was one of or even the largest operation of the American Expeditionary Forces.Over a million Americans participated.A result of 26,000 soldiers were killed in action and 120,000 and over in total.
  • The Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles.

    The Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles.
    The Treaty of Versailles was produced at and by the Paris Peace at the end of WWI at a conference.It was then signed by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the palace of Versailles in the hall of mirrors.