World War I

  • War About to start

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife are assassinated in Sarajevo.
  • War Starting

    Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • Russia is ready to Enter

    As an ally of Serbia, Russia announces full mobilization of her armed forces.
  • Germany Declares war on Russia

    Germany mobilizes her army
  • Germany Declares war on France

  • Germany declares war on neutral Belgium

    invades in a right flanking move designed to defeat France quickly. As a result of this invasion, Britain declares war on Germany.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.

  • Trenches

    First trenches of the Western front are dug.
  • Germany attacks England

    War becomes "Total War" with German Zeppelin air raid on England
  • Germany Bloackades

    Germany declares a submarine blockade of Great Britain. Any ship approaching England is considered a legitimate target.
  • U-boat sinks the Lusitania.

    1,198 civilians, including 128 Americans die.
  • US President Wilson publicly warns Germany not to continue unrestricted submarine warfare policies

  • Wilson Relected

    Woodrow Wilson re-elected President of the United States with campaign slogan: "He kept us out of the war"
  • US about to enter the war

    President Wilson asks Congress for a declaration of war with Imperial Germany.
  • President Woodrow Wilson declares his 14 points as the path to permanent world peace.

  • Germans launch the first of five major offensives to win the war before American troops appear in the trenches. German advance is finally stopped in late June

  • German shells land on Paris.

  • Murder

    Former Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, children, and members of his entourage are murdered by the Bolsheviks.
  • German sailors mutiny at port when asked to sail and fight a hopeless navel battle.

  • Peace Treaty signed by German delegates and Allies in Versailles.