
Unit 3 Timeline

  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination
    On the way to Sarajevo town hall was the first attempt of assassination. This was a bomb thrown directly to their car and missed hitting other individuals. Hours after the first attempt, making their way to visit those who were wounded by the bomb, Archduke and his wife were shot in their car.
  • Beginning of World War 1

    Beginning of World War 1
    A month later after the assassination of Archduke, the world war began. Austria-Hungary threaten war on Serbia. After the death of Archduke, Austria-Hungary was furious and demanded things from Serbia. Serbia requested all the demands except for one. This broke out to the Austrian government to bring out their military forces against Serbia. This led all the alliance countries to step in and start, World War 1.
  • Germany Invading Belgium

    Germany Invading Belgium
    This led to all the countries invading others. Germany went to invade Luxembourg and Belgium. France went to invade Alsace, and the British came over to help France. This all led to the nation's allies to turn onto Germany.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    In the dark the Germans started singing the carols. Along with that some British soldiers that sang back with them. This then leads to peace for the both of them, saying that they both won't fight. This led on to trading resources with them and playing soccer with a can until they had to go back into their trenches.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    Lusitania was making its way from New York to Liverpool, in England, when a German submarine called, U-boat, had taken down the boat. This caused the sinking with 128 American passengers and other 1,201 people on the boat. The boat was carrying the resources that the British needed.
  • Italy Declares War on Austria-Hungary

    Italy Declares War on Austria-Hungary
    From the beginning of the war, Italy was declared as neutral, not choosing any sides in the war. But later throughout the war, they realized they could get good benefits for being a part of the war. They soon joined the allies side, which they were promised by the allies, to get some land from Austria-Hungary. After joining into the war, Italy declared won on Austria-Hungary.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Germany makes their move towards Verdun and starts by striking towards the French trenches with artillery fire. This was a war to not win but to drain out the French, which the French used up three-quarters of their army. This went on for a couple more months until the French army advanced against the German.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    Along the Western Front, the British lured the German forces away from Verdun and to the Somme river, in France. Over time the war ended within 5 months with many casualties. There were more than 3 million men fighting for both sides, and more than 1 million men were killed and injured.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    A code telegram was sent by the German to Mexico. The note was a plan to renew the unrestricted submarine warfare and form an alliance between Germany, Mexico, and Japan, if the United States and Germany went head to head. The message then was published and sent to the United States by the British. Which caused the United States to join in.
  • Germany Returns to Unrestricted Submarine

    Germany Returns to Unrestricted Submarine
    Unrestricted warfare was introduced in 1915. Germany U-Boat was one of their tactics during the war, which they planned to stay near the Western Front. This meant that if those by the Western Front were not warned to move out, Germany could get its victory.
  • United States Enters

    United States Enters
    When the war started, Woodrow Wilson claimed to keep neutral and many supported the idea. But the idea changed after the sinking of Lusitania, which had 128 Americans on the boat. The Zimmerman telegram, which was a threatening action from Germany and Mexico. This also made them change their minds on being neutrals to be on allies.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litousie

    Treaty of Brest-Litousie
    Joining the allies side, Russia had little supplies to hardly support them. After being exiled by the Germans, Lenin and Bolsheviks quickly gained power by the governments they decided to attempt and leave, calling in for a new leader. Knowing Russia was in their weakest state and German armies were heading their way quickly, Russians were forced to give the enemy terms. This led to them signing the treaty a couple days later.
  • Battle of Belleau Wood

    Battle of Belleau Wood
    An alert to the Germans that the United States were making their way to the Western Front ready to fight. As Germany was attacking the French military near the Marne River, the United States was waiting for them. But the moved up to farther to the river and attacked the German in the front line.
  • Armistice

    After the war there were many changes. New empires formed and the boarders changed up a bit. Due to millions of deaths and damages they finally ended the war. This was known to end all wars.The allies all came in making the (Big Three) and called out Germany for all the damages. Germany accepted to pay for the damages, which also they took away most of Germany's armed forces.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    At the Palace of Versailles, in Paris the treaty was signed, to initiate peace with Germany and the Allies. This treaty held Germany accountable for all the damage they caused, also humiliating Germany instead of trying to fix what caused the war to happen.