World War 1

  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were visiting the Bosnian capital Sarajevo. They were driving through the city when Gavilrilo Princip shot both of them. Pricip was a member of the Black Hand.
  • Declaring War

    Germany declares war on Russia and France. Germany was obligated to do this since they were in a treaty with Austria-Hungary. After Germany invades Belgium, Great Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary.
  • Bell"s Success

    Alexander Graham Bell makes first transcontinental phone call ever. He called his assistant in San Fransico from New York. Bell said ,"Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."
  • Germany's Destruction

    German U-boats sink the Lusitania. 1,198 people died on the ship. 128 of the men were Americans and the United States is outraged.
  • Einstein's Theory

    Albert Einstein proposes his general theory of realtivity. It determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers. This is gravitation in modern physics.
  • Battles of Verdun and Somme

    Somme was fought by the the French and British against the Germans. Verdun battles were French against Germany. More than 1 million people died in the Battle of Somme
  • Reelection of Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson was reelected at the 33rd quadrennial presidential election. Wilson and Charles Hughs had a close battle but Wilson pulled out on top. Wilson's re-election was the first time that a Democratic Party candidate had won two consecutive Presidential elections since Andrew Jackson.
  • U.S Declares War

    Wilson tries to make a league of peace with all countries but Germany ignores. Germany aks Mexico to make an alliance and they can take over Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico agian. America had to soon come into war to not be attacked by Germany or Mexico if they came to terms with Germany.
  • Selective Service

    Congress passes the Selective Service Act to register me in the war. Better known as the draft. By the end of 1918, 24 million men had registered under the act.
  • Russia Withdraws

    Russia was not ready for war. By 1916 over 1,700,000 sodliers had died. Riots also broke out in Russia. Russia couldnt deal with war.