• Imbolc

    Honors the goddess Brighid. It is a fire festival in which seven candles are lit ot show light in your life. you say goodbye to winter and hello to spring while cleansing yourself both spiritually and physically. This ceremony is water themed.
  • Ostara

  • Beltane

  • Summer Solstice

  • lughnasadh

  • Mabon

  • Sambain

    Sambain celebrate the Harvest’s end-, which is also known as Witch’s new year,. It honor s the return of King of Winter. They chose October 31 because this is when this world, and the 'next world' are closest in relation and can contact the spirit world easily. o Dumb Supper- dinner with the dead (serious and sad) empty places are set at the table for late relatives, and you can tell them what you didn’t have a chance to tell them before they passedo Celebrates life/death and god/goddess
  • Yule

    Yule happens on the winter solstice. They celebrate saying goodbye to the old, and hello to the new. It also welcomes back the sun, and celebrates a full moon. This ceremony focuses on the goddess.