
Why are Jew sad?

  • Lawyers

    Jewish lawyers were not allowed to participate to work in berlin. Jewish judges were denied from working in court
  • Alienation

    Aryan and Non-Aryan children were forbidden to play with each other
  • Jewish teachers prohibited

    Jewish teachers were banned from teaching in german state schools
  • Discrimmination

    Jews were discrimminated against by being only allowed to sit on benches marked 'For jews'.
  • Removed citizenship

    All jews had their german citizenship removed
  • Invalid marraige

    Marraiges invloving jews were declared invalid
  • Equipment banned!

    Jews were no longer allowed to use electrical and optical equipment, bicycles, typewriters and records, All of those were also to be handed over,
  • Converted Jews deemed invalid

    Jews who had converted to to christianity were still deemed as "members of the Jewish race" even though Judism is a religion and not a race of people
  • No schooling

    Jewish children where no longer allowed to attend state schools
  • Allotments resctricted from jews

    Only germans could be allowed to hold allotments which left the jews unable to take effective action
  • Exclusion

    All jews had their passport stamped with a J to show that they are a jewish person. This alienated the Jews and may have suggested that Jews were "different"
  • Swimming pools

    Jews were no longer allowed to use indoor and outdoor swimming pulls
  • Humiliation

    Jews had to clean up the ruins of attacked synagogues and were banned from rebuilding them
  • Resctriction of freedom

    Jewish people were not allowed to leave their own homes after 8pm in the winter and 9pm in the summer
  • No rights!

    All Jewish people had to hand in their radio sets