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What started WWI and what happend during it.

  • Bismark

    in 1870, Bismarck attempted to place a Hohenzollern prince on the throne in Spain.
  • Three Emperors

    in 1873, the Three Emperors League, which tied Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia to each other's aid in time of war.
  • Period: to


    Russia's withdrawal five years later in 1878, leaving Bismarck with a new Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879.
  • The alliance

    Two years after Germany and Austria-Hungary concluded their agreement, Italy was brought into the fold with the signing of the Triple Alliance in 1881
  • Brittian

    It was chiefly this moral obligation that drew Britain into the war in defence of France, although the British pretext was actually the terms of the largely forgotten 1839 Treaty of London that committed the British to defend Belgian neutrality (discarded by the Germans as "a scrap of paper" in 1914, when they asked Britain to ignore it).
  • The spark

    The spark
    The Death of Ferdinand was the spark of the war.
  • The Assanator or them.

    The Assanator or them.
    The people that killed Ferdinand was a secret socity called the Black Hand.
  • The war has started.

    The war has started.
    Austria declared war on Serbia.
  • All the countrys come

    All of the countrys Germany, USA, Russia, France, Austria, Brittian, Japan, Italy.