Western Migration and Expansion

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    When the British won the French and Indian War, it resulted in the possession of new territory. The British had to deal with three troublesome groups: the former French subjects, Native American Allies, and aggressive British colonists. Many of these people did not like the British rule and moved out west to the Appalachian Mountains. The British created the Proclamation of 1763 in order to attempt to maintain the situation until peace was reached. The Proclamation called for a stop of settlemen
  • Northwest Territory

    Northwest Territory
    In 1763, The Treaty of Paris gained the Ohio River Valley. The Land Ordinance of 1785 broke up the land into acres in order to back debt, education, and the cost of moving out west. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the .new territory, and described the rules and steps required to become a state
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Doubled the size of the U.S., gained access to Mississippi River and New Orleans which allowed trade passages. Many federalists didn’t agree with the Louisiana Purchase because the constitution didn’t grant the government permission to buy more land, but it was eventually overlooked.
  • Red River Basin

    Red River Basin
    The United States gained ownership of the Red River Basin from the Treaty of 1818. In exchange Britain received the 49th parallel. The Red River Basin is made up of parts of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
  • West and East Florida

    West and East Florida
    Florida was highly populated by Seminole Indians who were causing much trouble in the American Territory. Andrew Jackson cleared all of the Seminole settlements out of Florida by hanging two Indian Chiefs and capturing two Spanish forts. In 1819, John Quincy Adams baragined with Spain to cede all of Florida for $5 million.
  • Webster-Ashburton Treaty

    Webster-Ashburton Treaty
    This treaty settled the northwest boundary dispute between Britain and the United States. It gave America the Arstook Valley, along with several waterways. The final agreement was that both the U.S. and Britain were free to use the waterways.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    In an effort to create a military buffer between Indians and the more southern provinces, the Mexican government encouraged Americans to emigrate to Texas. They were forced to give up their citizenship, convert to Roman Catholicism, and become Mexican citizens. After the Texas Revolution, America annexed Texas from Mexico in December of 1845.
  • Oregon Territory

    Oregon Territory
    Great Britain and the U.S. both held a joint-stock of the Oregon territory. They encouraged settlement in the Oregon territory. During the Panic of 1837, thousands of settlers came to Oregon (Oregon Fever), motivated by the Manifest Destiny. After James K. Polk was elected, the U.S. and Britain made a compromise. The compro
  • Mexican Cessation

    Mexican Cessation
    A peace treaty was signed with Mexico on February 2, 1848, at Guadalupe-Hidalgo. (treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo) Mexico agreed to annex Texas, with the Rio Grande as its border, gave the US New Mexico and California. The United States paid $15,000,000 for the Mexican Cession.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The ambassador of Mexico, James Gadsden signed a treaty purchasing southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico in 1853, known as the Gadsden Purchase.
  • Alaska

    Alaska was under the rule of Russia until 1866 when the Russian government offered to sell it to America. The Americans and Russians negotiated on March 30, 1867, and agreed that the U.S. would pay Russia $7.2 million for the Alaskan territory. The agreement of the purchase of Alaska from Russia was displayed in the Treaty of Cession, signed by Tzar Alexander the Second
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii was originally an independent state under a monarchy rule. Depression was spread throughout the islands because a tariff was placed onto the sugar. Americans knew that the tariff would disappear if America annexed Hawaii. The people of Hawaii overthrew their queen and appealed to the United States, eventually becoming the 50th state in 1959.