waves of migration to australia

  • first fleet

    English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia in 806 ships
  • gold rush

    chinese imigrants came to work on the goldfields
  • post world war 1

    During and in the aftermath of the war the political, cultural, and social order was drastically changed in Europe, Asia and Africa, even the areas outside were directly involved in the war. New countries were formed, old ones were abolished, international organizations were established, and many new and old ideologies took a firm hold in people's minds
  • post world war2

    Immigrants came over because after world war II there was a extreme labour shortage (no people to work) so the population needed to expand.
  • white australia policy

    The White Australia policy comprises various historical policies that intentionally restricted "non-white" immigration to Australia. From origins at Federation in 1901, the policies were progressively dismantled between 1949-1973.
  • post vietnam war

    The White Australia policy comprises various historical policies that intentionally restricted "non-white" immigration to Australia. From origins at Federation in 1901, the policies were progressively dismantled between 1949-1973.
  • post khumer rouge

    the Khmer Rouge had fled the country, while the People’s Republic of the Kampuchea was being established.
  • modern migration