Warm up time-line

By Ryah
  • Election of 1824

    John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson all ran for president
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams was elected president in 1824 because of corrupt bargain. He won popular votes but not majority in electoral votes, therefore house of representatives had to decide.
  • Democratic Republican Party Split

    The grap grew wider and the party was about to split.
  • Discovery of Gold Native American lands

    Gold was discovered in Cherokee land. Whites wanted the land because of the gold that was discovered
  • President for "Common Man"

    Andrew Jackson claimed he ran for the common man. He wanted majority rule no matter their education or wealth. Most of these people were famers and workers, who all voted for Andrew Jackson. His victory split the Democratic Republic and led to the formation of the Democratic Party.
  • Spoil System

    Jackson fired government officials and replaced them with his friends and supporters.
  • Tariff of Abomination

    Congress passed a bill that greatly raised taxes on raw materials and manufactured goods. The South the the economic interests of the North were determining national policy, and they were being ignored by the national government.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Act that required Native Americans to give up their land and relocate west. They were given only one year to leave. Andrew was also doing this because he thought the Native Americans were blocking expansion west
  • South Threatens to Secede

    If the taxes weren't lowered, the South threatened to secede or leave the United States, and start their own country. The conflict revealed sectional tension between the North and the South. The South tried to use "states rights" to argue secession from the Union was possible. Jackson was willing to use power to protect the power of the national government over the states.
  • Andrew and the bank

    When elected for his 2nd term, Andrew Jackson promised to destroy the second bank of the Unites States. Jackson believed the second bank was evil because he felt it only supported the rich and not the average man, which were who he represented. Jackson rejected bill after bill that would renew the bankers chart
  • Worcester v Georgia

    Unites States Supreme court voted that the Georgia criminal statute prohibited non-Native Americans from being on Native American land without license from the state was unconstitutional.
  • The Doctrine of Nullification

    Said that the state had the right to nullify a federal law that it considers unconstitutional.
  • Compromise of 1833

    Henry Clay introduced lower tariffs (taxes)
  • Trail of Tears

    Federal troops rounded up Cherokee men, children, and women and forced them into camps. Soldiers gave the people a hour to pack everything up from their homes and get ready to leave. They didn't get that full hour because some left with the clothes that were on their backs. Many died because of disease and the cold weather. It's estimated 1/4 of the 16,000 people died.
  • Rising Sectionalism Differences

    When Andrew took office, the nation was divided into three main sections, Northeast, West, and the South. Legislatures were arguing over 3 main economic issues
    1. The sale of land
    2. National Improvement
    3. Tariffs (taxes)