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Warat Runner's Fun Runs and Races

  • Pinay in Action Run

    Pinay in Action Run
    I made my first 3-kilometer run during the 2010 [PIA Run.](armiegarde.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/how-i-got-into-running/) I met the lady who inspires me in many ways. It was also when I made a vow to keep on running for a cause.
  • Period: to

    Fun Runs and Races

    I'm a perfect example of a newbie runner in progress, and this is the timeline of my baby steps. :)
  • Ungo Runners

    Ungo Runners
    I joined the group Ungo in April. I remember it was Jonel Mendoza of Front Runner who gave the talk before the run. He talked about ULTRARUNNING, which to me then was a crazy topic. It will always be a crazy stuff for me but I realized I was born to become one the few who will learn to love this stuff for special-and-amazing idiots.
  • Great Lapu-Lapu Run 2

    Great Lapu-Lapu Run 2
    I made my second 3-kilometer run in honor of the Great Visayan hero Lapu-Lapu.
  • Looney Tunes Active Fun Run

    Looney Tunes Active Fun Run
    I never was a Looney Tunes fanatic but I love bunnies and I was registered for free, so I joined. I was like a kid happily running my first 5-kilometer run. I received a certificate after and I had a photo op with the cute Bugs Bunny. Oh, forever kid at heart.
  • Cebu Press Freedom Run

    Cebu Press Freedom Run
    I made my second 5-kilometer run. This one is memorable because my twin, the 4-1 Runner, ran with me, wearing his pair of Islander slippers and his baggy pants. He was my water bearer, pacer and time-keeper. He was the inspiration, yes!
  • Pink October Run

    Pink October Run
    It was my first official 10-kilometer run for a greater cause and I did it with my twin. It was actually our birthday run as we both are October babies.
  • Cebu City Marathon 2

    Cebu City Marathon 2
    I started my year with a half-marathon. Yes, a 21-K run. My twin and I figured that we were both ready to take our running into a different level. I was also confident. I knew I am pretty much ready despite being undertrained. How can I not be ready when I already had more than enough of the basics? How can I not be ready when it was for a cause?
  • PLDT-SMART 10-miler Run

    PLDT-SMART 10-miler  Run
    Whoever registered me, I still have no idea until now. A 10-miler singlet with my name on it was just delivered to the office. It was my first 16-K run and I did it with my twin and with our friend Wagee.
  • Great Lapu-Lapu Run 3

    Great Lapu-Lapu Run 3
    My second half-marathon, which I did with my twin and our friend Paolo. It was a dream-come-true to conquer the Marcelo Fernan Bridge and I definitely improved my 21K PR. :)
  • 1st Kawasan Falls Marathon

    1st Kawasan Falls Marathon
    My unofficial 42K. It happened just that. I didn't prepare for it. I wasn't prepared for it. But I did it for this thing called LOVE. I ran in behalf of my beloved twin, and in God's glory, I finished the race with my good friend Paolo a minute before the 7-hour cut-off.
  • Cebu Press Freedom Run

    Cebu Press Freedom Run
    My first podium experience. My first Silver medal. My first run without a running shoes, just slippers known as 'warat'. My first speed-run, I thought I was gonna die. I'm exaggerating on the dying part but it felt close to that. :)
  • 1st Habagat Ultra Trail Run

    1st Habagat Ultra Trail Run
    My first suicide attempt. KIDDING. Candidly, I didn't know what I had gotten myself into but it was one unforgettable ultra trail run. It was another turning point in my running career. It was my first run on a trail. It was my first Ultra. It was also the day when one very important person in my life passed away. I finished that run for her, and I knew she and Daddy God guided and strengthen me all the way. It was also my second podium finish. I was the 7th female to cross the finish line.
  • RunRio Run United

    RunRio Run United
    My third 21K run with a very much improved PR. I crossed the finish line with my twin. The holding-hands-while-running ritual continues. It completed our great running year. Oh, praying for mooOore fun runs and races with my twin. :)