Manifest destiny

USA Westward Expansion

  • The Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase
    The Lousiana Purchase was bought by President Thomas Jefferson from France.
  • Period: to

    American Westward Expansion

  • The Florida Acquisition

    The Florida Acquisition
    A Spainish territory taken over by the USA in 1819.
  • The Texas Annexation

    The Texas Annexation
    Texas had just won it's independence from Mexico. For 9 years, Texas stood as a nation. Soon, Texans wanted to join the USA. Congress passed its statehood in 1845
  • Acquistion of Oregon Country

    Acquistion of Oregon Country
    James Polk, the current president of the time, promised to take The Oregon Country. The British agreed to have a border of U.S. territory at latitude 49 degrees north.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    Mexico wanted Texas back and the USA wanted to settle on other Mexican lands such as California. After a war with Mexico,the Mexican government ceded a huge piece of land and gave it to the USA.
  • The Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase
    A guy named James Gadsden negotiated an agreement with Mexico for a patch of land that is part of present-day Arizona and New Mexico.