• Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Without the approval of Congress, President Harry Truman sends troops to fight in Korea, asserting an inherent right to do so as Commander-in-Chief.
  • Polk " Manifest Destiny "

    Polk " Manifest Destiny "
    Polk reasserts in Oregon and Texas; O’Sullivan coins “Manifest Destiny”
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    As the result the U.S. gains control of Colorado, Arizona, California, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming and New Mexico.
  • Japan

    Commodore Matthew Perry of the U.S. Navy sails into Tokyo Harbor aboard the frigate "Susquehanna", forcing Japan to sign a treaty permitting trade, and the opening of Japanese ports to U.S. merchant s
  • US control of various Pacific islands

    US control of various Pacific islands
    US control of various Pacific islands
  • Annexation of Alaska

    Annexation of Alaska
    The U.S. acquires Alaska from Russia, thanks to deft negotiations by Secretary of State Seward.
  • Annexation of the Midway islands

    Annexation of the Midway islands
    The U.S. annexes the Midway Islands.
  • US troops in Dominican Republic

    US troops in Dominican Republic
    US attempts to buy Dominican Republic from Spain
  • US Stations and Coal ports

    US Stations and Coal ports
    Under Adm. Mahan US fleet is third largest in the world: protects markets, requires coaling stationsand ports
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    On February 15, the battleship USS Maine was attacked by the Spanish. Started the war.
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    Stated that once Cuba won its independence from Spain, the US would “leave the government and control of the Island to its people.”
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    The revolutionaries established a new government with Sanford B Dole as president. Proclaimed Hawaii to be under US protection on February 1, 1893.
  • Somoa

    The last chief of Somoa before U.S. rule, the Tui Manu'a Elisala, is forced to sign a deed of cession following a series of U.S. naval trials.
  • Annexation of the Philippines

    Annexation of the Philippines
    We anexed Philippines for economic but mostly we wanted to " Americanize" the Philippines.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    Undermine European spheres of influence in China in favor of Chinese governmentand other powers without such spheres (McKinley and Hay)
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxers attacked western missionaries and foreigner traders. They were Chinese and did not support other nation have a share of China.
  • DeLima v. Bidwell

    Annexation does not bestow citizenshipHay-Paunceforte Treaty: British permission to build a canal connecting Gulf and Pacific
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
    Agreement that gave the US sovereignty over a 10-mile-wide canal zone across the Isthmus of Panama
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Roosevelt CorollaryPresident Theodore Roosevelt’s addition to the Monroe Doctrine; stated that the US would police affairs in the Western Hemisphere to keep European away.
  • US and the Panama Canal

    US and the Panama Canal
    In 1901 Secretary of State John Hay began negotiations with the Republic of Columbia, which then included Panama. A treaty was drafted in 1903. In return for a 99-year lease on a six-mile strip of land
  • Cuba

    The United States assumes temporary military control of Cuba under the Platt Amendment, following the reelection of an American puppet government which caused a nationalist uprising.
  • The Great White Fleet

    The Great White Fleet
    Concerned by Japan’s growing power, Roosevelt decided to remind the Japanese of US military might. In late 1907 he sent a fleet of four destroyers and 16 battleships, painted a dazzling white, on a 46
  • Nicaragua

    The U.S. seeks to establish a canal through Nicaragua, but instead chooses Panama. When Nicaraguan President José Santos Zelaya solicits funds to build a second inter-oceanic canal for Germany and Jap
  • Taft

    Promote US $ interests abroad, Influence thru economic strengthTaft-Katsura agreement (Japan gets Korea; US gets Philippines and South Pacific
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    President William Howard Taft’s policy of influencing Latin American affairs through economic influence rather than military force.
  • Europe

    The United States claims to be neutral as Germany, France, and Britain engage in conflict; however, U.S. banks and weapons manufacturers continue selling to France and Britain.
  • Moral Diplomacy

    Moral Diplomacy
    Panama Canal opens. Wilson pays Colombia according to Hay-Herran.
  • Honduras

    Civil war breaks out after liberal president Rafael Lopez Gutierrez establishes a dictatorship. The U.S. lands Marines in the country to "protect its interests". Gutierrez is killed in March.
  • US troops in Korea

    US troops in Korea
    Without the approval of Congress, President Harry Truman sends troops to fight in Korea, asserting an inherent right to do so as Commander-in-Chief.