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Unit 9 GA Studies Civil Rights Movement Timeline Project

  • White Primary Info Link

    White Primary Info Link
  • White Primary is abolished in GA

    White Primary is abolished in GA
    Picture LinkThe White Primary allowed blacks to vote in general elections, but not in primary elections. This was how Georgians kept blacks segregated. The general elections were more major in GA, so blacks didn't really have much say even if they were allowed to vote in the general elections. In 1946, the White Primary was challenged in the "King vs. Chapman" case. The White Primary was finally brought to Supreme Court's attention, and they stated it unconstitutional and invalid.
  • Integration of the Armed Forces

    Integration of the Armed Forces
    Picture LinkPresident Harry S. Truman knew that America's armed forces needed to work together. If there was racial segregation, we would not be united. President Truman then signed an order to intergrate the armed forces. Although racism didn't end right away, the order did begin to slowly unite our forces. Info Link:
  • Brown vs Board Info Link

    Brown vs Board Info Link
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Picture LinkLinda Brown was an African-American 3rd grader who had to attend a "black school" that was inconvenientally located compared to a closer "white school". Linda's father, Oliver, took this case to court. At first, they ruled that the segregation was appropriate due to the "Plessy vs Ferguson" case, which ended in the saying "seperate but equal". Brown took his case all the way to Supreme Court, where they ruled that Linda could attend a white school.
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Picture LinkRosa Parks was an African-American woman. Once as she was riding a bus, a white male tried to take her seat, but she refused. She was arrested and that did not go over well with African-Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke to people about non-violently protesting in her behalf. These protests added on to the demand of equal rights to all races. Info Link:
  • Change to Georgia's State Flag

    Change to Georgia's State Flag
    Info and Picture LinkJohn Sammons Bell, Jefferson Lee Davis, and Willis Harden introduced the idea of changing Georgia's state flag. He thought changing it to the Confederate Battle Flag. In a General Assembly meeting later, it became official that this change was to take place. People later argued about why Bell, Davis, and Harden had changed the flag.
  • Crisis at Central High continued...

    Crisis at Central High continued...
    Info LinkPresident Eisenhower soon heard of this and sent out federal troops to protect the "Little Rock Nine". The "Nine" endured much racism and today are seen as heroes.
  • Crisis at Central High School and the "Little Rock Nine"

    Crisis at Central High School and the "Little Rock Nine"
    Picture LinkNine African-American students, "Little Rock Nine", signed up to attend a white school, Central High in Arkansas. This was shortly after the segregation in schools was made illegal. However, the National Guard and angry students got involved and blocked the black students from entering the school. Police officers then escorted the black students in a side door without the Guard noticing. When the crowd realized what had taken place, the black students had to be taken out of the school.
  • Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in ATL bombed

    Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in ATL bombed
    Info and Picture LinkDuring this time of segregation and discrimination to African-Americans, Jews suffered as well. Prejudice against Jews led to bombing the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in ATL. No one was hurt. Georgia's Mayor William B. Hartsfield quickly rushed to the aid of the Jews. Several people believed the cause of the bombing was that the Jewish rabbi was a civil-rights supporter. This temple bombing was not the last of its kind.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    Info and Picture LinkWhen schools were ordered to integrate, many of them were against this. Many attempts were made to stop schools from integrating such as cutting off money to schools that integrate or vice versa. Then John Sibley came up with the "Sibley Commission". Sibley created this to try and figure out how to stop the school-integration problem. After studying responses to integration from other Georgians, the Commission decided to let the school districts decide whether they would or wouldn't integrate.
  • Albany Movement Info Link

    Albany Movement Info Link
  • Birmingham, AL Protests

    Birmingham, AL Protests
    Info and Picture LinkUnder the leader ship of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bull Connor people non-violently protested in Birmingham, AL. Connor came up with the plan to protest and allow the police to violently react. Connor and King hoped that the reactions of the police would create an uproar of the people in order to bring more attention to their cause.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    Picture LinkSix years after the Supreme Court made segregated transporation illegal, this thoery was tested. Workers gathered together in Albany, GA to sit in an area in a bus station where only whites were allowed. Due to an overly prepared sheriff, many protesters were sent to jail for sitting in this area and causing tension. The protest did not have immediate desegregation results, but it did cause a group to be formed in order to cater to the desegregation needs of the African-Americans.
  • Integration of The Univeristy of Georgia

    Integration of The Univeristy of Georgia
    Picture LinkHamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter both decided to test out their new ability to attend white schools. However, many students didn't welcome them with open arms. They had to be removed from UGA due to the malice between the two races. They returned when they had protection. Mary Frances Early joined them in their fight for equality, andall three of them ended up graduating within 2 years of each other. Info Link:
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Picture LinkSeven blacks and six whites all gathered together for the same cause: they wanted to test the desegregation-of-buses theory. They all sat together and drovearound throughout the states. Several times they were beaten by furious crowds of people, and once, the bus was even taken over by the mob. The Freedom Riders were only safe when the police showed up, and often times the Riders had already been beaten before the officers arrived. Info Link:
  • March on Washington, D.C.

    March on Washington, D.C.
    Info and Picture LinkOn this day, thousands of people gathered to march for the civil rights cause. The march took place in order to cause pressure on authorities to rush the civil rights cause. This march was where Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • 16th Street Baptist Church in Brigmingham Bombed

    16th Street Baptist Church in Brigmingham Bombed
    Info and Picture LinkUnlike the Hebrew Temple Bombing, this explosion killed or injured 24 people. The bomb was set there by four members of the Ku Klux Klan: Robert Chambliss, Bobby Frank Cherry, Thomasn Blanton, and Herman Cash. The case was initially put off because of claims that the bombing was done by civil rights supporters in order to gain the attention they needed. However, years later the four bombers were brought to justice.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassinated

    John F. Kennedy Assassinated
    Picture LinkOn his way to speak at a luncheon, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed. He had been in Dallas, TX at the time, driving in his car to where his speech was to take place. As him and his wife waved to the crowd surrounding them, he was suddenly shot in the head and neck from the Texas School Book Depository. Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of the crime and sent to jail, As he was being transferred from the police headquarters to jail, Oswald was shot and killed. Info:
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 Passed

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 Passed
    Picture LinkThis Act was put into place by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Act stated that discrimination in schools and occupations was now illegal and everyone was to be treated with equal rights. Info Link:
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 Passed

    Voting Rights Act of 1965 Passed
    Picture LinkLike the Civil Rights Act of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This act made it illegal to not allow someone to vote due to their race. It also eliminated any loopholes the South had been using against voting rights. Info Link:
  • Summerhill Race Riot

    Summerhill Race Riot
    Picture LinkThe Summerhill Race Riot was a riot that began with a police officer shooting an accused African-American for stealing a car. Many people were injured or killed; this was the opposite of a non-violent protest. People were angry about the mistreatment. Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. actually begged the crowd to stop the riot. With the assistance of police and civil rights leader, Allen was able to stop the riot. Info Link:
  • MLK Assassinated

    MLK Assassinated
    Picture LinkJames Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, TN, killing the African-American leader. At the time, King was attempting another one of his non-violent protests. King had been standing on his balcony when he was shot. King had been born in Atlanta, and his death caused an uprising of emotions in Georgia. Many feared violent acts would break out. Info(2): &
  • All GA Schools Integrated

    All GA Schools Integrated
    Picture LinkGeorgia and the United States had been through a lot of discrimination and segregation by this point. After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were put in place, Georgia schools were to be desegregated so African-Americans were treated equally. This action came into play in 1971 leading racism to begin to end. Info Link: