Martin luther king jr nywts

Unit 2 Key Terms : Civil Rights

  • Civil Disobedience

    Henry David Thoreau. Henry David broke a law on purpose because and that law was to pay its taxes but he didn't because the govt. bas injustice. Rosa Parks also broke a law on purpose because she thought the govt. was being injustice, like in the bus black people had to give up their seats to white people so she didn't give up her seat.
  • 13th Amendment

    This amendment was about to abolish slavery and let free to the southern and every single slave that was in the US
  • Black Codes

    These were laws that were restricting the freedom of black people and had to work hard for low wages or debt
  • 14th Amendment

    the 14th Amendment is about giving equal rights and citizenship to former slaves.
  • 15th amendment

    the15th amendment help the black people to vote because this amendment gives them the right to vote like any other person.
  • Plessy V. Fergurson

    Plessy V. Fergurson
    Ms. BlackWell said to write 2 sentences.
    On this date there was a black man who decided to refuse sitting in a Jim crow car. the man said that people were violating his constitutional rights.
  • CORE

    The Congress of racial equality that is what CORE stands for. Core is an african-american civil rights organization in the US, this group took an important role for african americans in the civil rights movement
  • Non-violent Protest

    These protest made by african-americans decided to protest but with no violence no matter how much they suffered because they wanted to change the world in a good way with no harm to anyone.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    these laws where mad to segregate the black people, these laws were called "Jim Crow Laws" because of a caricature of a clumsy black slave
  • Sharecropping/ Tenant Farming

    Sharecropping was a form to exploit the black community where people didn't have any land so there was a person who let them use their land but in exchange they had to work hard and give them part of their crops and if they didn't gave them the part of crops the landowner would kick them out of the land
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    Brown V Board Of Education was about that White people and Black People could go to the same school and didn't have to be separated from the rest.
  • Lynching

    Lynching is when people get killed without a trial, This is what happen to a young black child who was killed at the age of 14 because he was black.
  • Emett Till

    Emett Till was a young black kid that was killed because he was black and because he supposedly was flirting with a white woman but he didn't. His mother held a public funeral and invited the reporters and everything because she wanted everyone to see what the did to Emett in the south.
  • Emett Till

    Emett Till was a young black kid of age 14, who was killed because he was black and because she supposedly was flirting to a white women. His mother had a open casket to invite the news just to show everyone what was going in the south
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa  Parks
    Rosa Parks was an African American Woman who once denied to give up the seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    This was an event where black people didn't use the public transportations.
  • Orval Faubus

    Orval Faubus
    democratic governor who denied entrance and enrollment at Little Rock's Central High School. He Used the Arkansas National guardsmen to block their entrance
  • SCLC

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC). African-American civil rights organization
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    was the first federal civil rights legislation passed by the US congress
  • Little Rock Nine

    Group consisted of nine African-American people who were enrolled in Little Rock Central High School
  • Affirmative Action

    outcome of the civil rights movement that provides equal opportunities to people of minority groups and women in education and employment.
  • Desegregation

    ending of racial segregation. The civil rights activist could finally achieve their goal and desegregate the restaurants and public areas.
  • Sit-ins

    Started when four black students sat down at a woolworth lunch counter. This four black student were protesting in a non-violent way but without saying anything they just sat down even though they knew that the restaurant wasn't gonna serve them
  • Freedom Riders

    These Freedom Riders were people who rode interstate buses that went to the Southern US.
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez was an american activist. he co-founded the United Workers Farm Union
  • Betty Friedan

    was an american activist, author, and writer. She was a leading figure in the Women's Movement
  • George Wallace

    George Wallace was an governor of Alabama. He stood outside the door of the Alabama University to block the entrance of two black men
  • University of Alabama Integration

    George Wallace and State troopers blocked the door of the enrollment office because African-American students wanted to be enrolled there.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Activist of the Civil Rights Movement. Became leader of the Civil Rights Movement and gave a well-known speech called "I Have A Dream"
  • March on Washington

    Biggest protest in US History and was for civil rights or equal right to black people. This is where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous speech called "I have a Dream"
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This Act of the vivil rights was to outlaw the segregation of race, skin color, religion, and sex.
  • Voting rights Act of 1965

    This act of 1965 benefits black people because it allowed them to vote because it abolished literacy test that had been used to restrict black people.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    Lester Maddox was a white man who denied entrance to black people and other races to his restaurant, After government told him that he was forced to accept black people into his restaurant he decided to sell his restaurant.
  • Black Panthers

    The black panther party was a party of black people who wanted to be free and wanted everyone to be equal but they were different to the non-violent protester because the Black Panther Party believed in militancy and they wouldn't do anything bad unless someones provokes them to
  • Stokely Carmichael

    freedom rides for SNCC. stokely charmichael was the prime minister of the BPP and created the "Black Power"
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Won the Brown V. Board of Education. Became the First African American to confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice
  • Hector P. Garcia

    He was mexican-american, he was the first mexican-american during the U.S civil right. He was in the Chicano Movement