Unit 7 Part 1

  • The Treaty with Russia

    The Treaty with Russia
    The US bought what most people thought was worthless to satify the want to expand.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan publishes The Influence of Sea Power upon History

    Alfred Thayer Mahan publishes The Influence of Sea Power upon History
    Mahan claimed that a stronger navy would increase the US's wealth (very imperialistic).
  • American Sugar Growers revolt against the Hawaii government

    American Sugar Growers revolt against the Hawaii government
    Sugar growers wanted to expand their power so they deposed Queen Liliuokalani and took over the government.
  • Cleveland refuses to annex Hawaii

    Cleveland refuses to annex Hawaii
    Cleveland believed that white planter (who illegally took over Hawaii) did not speak for the major of Hawaiians who didn't want to be under US rule.
  • US and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace

    US and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace
    It ended hostilities between the two countries.
  • The Treaty of Paris is signed

    The Treaty of Paris is signed
    The US aquired Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and got control over Cuba.
  • Hawaii is annexed

    Hawaii is annexed
    Hawaii was annexed by the US because the US didn't want Hawaii in European hands
  • Sinking of the Maine

    Sinking of the Maine
    The Maine was a US ship that exploded causing it to sink. The Spainish were blamed by the Americans for blowing up the Maine leading to war.
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    Battle of Manila Bay
    Commodore George Dewey fired on Spainish occupied Manila Bay. It was a decisive US victory.
  • Congress declares war on Spain

    Congress declares war on Spain
    The US declared war after the sinking of the Maine. This war would end with the US gaining land.
  • US forces land in Cuba

    US forces land in Cuba
    Cuba was where the Maine was sunk.
  • US beats Spanish at San Juan Heights

    US beats Spanish at San Juan Heights
    The US was winning the war
  • The Spanish surrender

    The Spanish surrender
    The US won the war
  • Open Door Policy with China is enacted

    Open Door Policy with China is enacted
    Began a trading relationship between the US and China.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Chinese aggression towards imperialism.
  • Philippine-American War begins

    Philippine-American War begins
    The Filipinos were fighting the US for freedom
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
    This treaty canceled out an older treaty with Britain saying America could not build canals in Latin America. The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty led to the building of the Panama canal.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary meant US military would go to Latin America to retrieve money owed to the Europeans.
  • End of Philippine American War

    End of Philippine American War
    The US won over the Philippines causing the Philippines to stay under US rule
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Roosevelt lead peace conferences to sort out the two counties problems
  • Construction on the Panama Canal begins

    Construction on the Panama Canal begins
    This canal was opposed by Colombia (the actual owners of the land).
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The US military sent troops to collect debt for Europeans as to not violate the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Panama Canal was built

    Panama Canal was built
    The US needed a canal
  • The Great White Fleet begins touring

    The Great White Fleet begins touring
    Roosevelt is showing off his power
  • Taft enacts Dollar Diplomacy

    Taft enacts Dollar Diplomacy
    Dollar Diplomacy was the US foreign policy from 1909 to 1913
  • Mexican Civil War

    Mexican Civil War
    Wilson put an embargo on Mexico as a result of its civil war.
  • The Lusitania is sunk by German U-boats

    The Lusitania is sunk by German U-boats
    American lives were lost which angered the Americans enough to declare war on Germany
  • Villa begins raids in Texas and New Mexico

    Villa begins raids in Texas and New Mexico
    Pancho Villa continually crossed the border into Texas and New Mexico and began raid.
  • America Declares war on Germany

    America Declares war on Germany
    Wilson asked congress for a war to end all wars and the US entered WW1
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The telegram suggested that Mexico join the Germans. It ended up in American hands.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Congress made the draft legal
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    It was the first major American battle that we fought offensively.
  • Battle of St. Mihiel

    Battle of St. Mihiel
    American troops attacked German lines
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    World War 1 officially ends.
  • Congress passes the Sedition Act

    Congress passes the Sedition Act
    Used to silence socialist and communist.