
Unification of Germany

  • Germany Under Napoleon

    Germany Under Napoleon
    (1790s to 1814s) Napoleon's troops took over Germany. The French domination helped modernize and consolidate Germany. Napoleon found different ways to help German unification.
  • Congress of Vienna rstores everything

    Congress of Vienna rstores everything
    (After Napoleon was defeated..) Until 1815, Congress of Vienna called meetings to restore stability in Europe. They tried to make Germany a Confederation. When they proposed this idea, many princes argued. Princes knew that national unity required a reform or even destruction of the traditional monarchic states. They also knew that in a united Germany, they would have to cede some rights to a central authority. All changes that Congress of Vienna wanted to happen to Germany were not passed.
  • The Revolution of Germany.

    The Revolution of Germany.
    People of Germany were repressed; this repression lasted for decades which later developed strong desire for liberal reform among the educated and wealthy people. Unemployment among lower classes made them to join the revolution. They thought that it would bring them secure jobs. People were inspired by French revolution. German liberals and peasants started to demand their claims with revolutionary violence in March 1848. This Revolution failed, and this was a drawback for the people.
  • Putting Steel to Use

    Putting Steel to Use
    From the 1850s until 1914s, the new nation benefeited greatly from the foundings of large companies. Many railroads were built, and after 1871, the House of Krupp boomed, becoming an enormous complex. It produced steel and weapons for the world market. Also, between 1871 and 1914, business tycoon August Thyssen went from a small steel factor into a giant empire with 50,000+ employees. Companies that specialized in telescopes, microscopes, and other optical equipment also grew.
  • Industrial take-off

    Industrial take-off
    After 1850, Germany had a big take-off. New factories were built at a very fast rate, the production of textiles and iron soared, railroads grew and started to connect many distant regions, and coal production and export reached record levels every year. Germany caught up economically with Western Europe within two decades. All of this slowly led Germany on it's way to unification.
  • Otto van Bismark

     Otto van Bismark
    Otto von Bismarck succeeded where others had failed. In 1862 King William 1st made him prime minister. Within a decade, the new prime minister became chancellor. He used his policy of “blood and iron" to unite German states under Prussian rule. He was an expert of Realpolitik, known as realistic politics based on the needs of the state.
  • A New Leader Takes the Throne

    A New Leader Takes the Throne
    Princes from the German states and Confederation convinced William I of Prussia to become emperor. When this happened, German nationalists celebrated the "birth of the second Reich" (or empire.) This led to much celebration and hope because they considered William heir to the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Bismarck Corrects His Errors

    Bismarck Corrects His Errors
    Lasting until 1878, Bismark launched the Kulturkampf, or "battle for civilization". He aimed to have Catholics put their loyalty to the state above allegiance to the CHurch. He passed laws that gave the state the right to supervise Catholic education and more. However, these later backfired, and when they did, Bismarck saw his mistake and worked to make peace with the Church. His realist actions showed the country that he was a strong leader that looked for the best interest of his people.
  • Promoting Scientific and Economic Development

    Promoting Scientific and Economic Development
    Germans began to see the value of applied science in the development of new products and began creating synthetic chemicals and dies. They supportted research and development, and hired trained scientists to solve tech problems in the workplace. Also, the German government issued a single currency for Germany, coordinated railroads, and reorganized the banking system. When the worldwide depression hit in the late 1800s, Germany raised tariffs to protect home companies from foreign competition.
  • William II Becomes Kaiser

    William II Becomes Kaiser
    The new emperor was very confident and wanted to leave his mark on Germany. He wanted to show the people he was bold, and believed that his right to rule came from God. He resisted democratic reforms, but his government provided programs for social welfare. By 1889, Germany had disability and old age insurance, along with health and accident insurance. His government also provided transportation services and electricity, and an excellent system of public schools flourished.
  • Germany Becomes an Industrial Giant

    Germany Becomes an Industrial Giant
    By the late 1800's, German chemical and electrical industries had become business giants in Europe. German shipping had also taken up second place in Europe behind Britain. Germany's economic growth was aided by the ample iron and coal resources, which played a major part in the industrial development. Also, the population went from 41 million in 1871 to 67 million by 1914, providing a larger supply of industrial workers.