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Unification of Germany

  • Rise of Napoleon

    Rise of Napoleon
    Napoleon organized the German states into the confederation of the Rhine.
  • The Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War
    They made a new constitution that provided a limited Monarchy.the spanish revolt drove out Joseph Boneparte. The constitution and Spanish revolt was based on the French Revolution. It was Nationalism that spread to spain.
  • The congress of Vienna

    The congress of Vienna
    The congress of Vienna restored Europe back to the way it was before french revolution. France was back to bourbon Monarchy. German states were separated.
  • The Metternich System

    The Metternich System
    Worked Successfully against the flare of discontent among German Unversity students.
  • The Italian Unification

    The Italian Unification
    Plebicites were held everywhere in Italy, except Rome and Venetia. Many of the italian people voted for National unification for Italy
  • Rise of Bismark

    Rise of Bismark
    Bismark Unified Germany through wars and alliances
  • The Danish War

    The Danish War
    Prussia and Austria declared war on Denmark when they refused to revoke Danish constitution. The war ended in 1864. Prussia administered Schelswig, and Austria acquired Holstein.
  • The seven weeks' war

    The seven weeks' war
    Bismark provoked Austria to declare war on them. Austria were crushed in seven weeks because Austria did not expect Prussia to be superb.
  • The treaty of Prague

    The treaty of Prague
    it ended the seven weeks' war. Austria surrendered Holstein to Prussia
  • The Franco-Prussian war

    The Franco-Prussian war
    Bismark decided that the way to unite the southern states is to provoke a war with France.