Unification of Germany

By ocd5264
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon BioNapoleon Bonaparte defeated the Prussians in 1806 and took their land, forced payments to France, and forced military service. This led to Prussia undermining Napoleon by training an army. The Prussians fought and defeated Napoleon in the battle of Liepzig and Waterloo.This was a postive effect because Napoleon's actions of basically bullying the Prussians caused a sense of nationalism for the Prussians because they felt a strong pride for their country and worked together to overcome Napoleon.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Congress of Vienna DocumentAs Prussia was getting stronger, it eventually became a part of the Congress of Vienna. Nationalism grew in a postive way and after the Napoleonic Wars other European countries had a chance to beat France, which,before, was one of the most powerful in Europe, They felt a strong sense of pride for their nation and this positvely affected them because they were able to overcome and become stronger nations.
  • Zollverein

    Zollverein DocumentThe Zollverein was a customs union created to eliminate trade barriers. It provided for lower prices, the spread of industrialization, tariff protection, and much more. This dependency on one another lead the way to nationhood. The Zollverein showed a positive affect of nationalism because it made the neighborhooding states work together and therefore bettered the economy.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    Otto Von Bismarck
    Bismarck's Blood and Iron SpeechOtto Von Bismarck was appointed by the head of the cabinet to unify Germany. He managed to build up the military and showed he was Realpolitick. Bismarck had a negative affect on nationalism because, although he was a great military leader, he was sly and tricked people into war and collected taxes without permission. Many opposed Bismarck and his wanting of absolute rule led to the Social Democratic Party and problems with the Catholic church. The people of Germany were wary and distrusted him.
  • Danish War of 1864

    Danish War of 1864
    In 1863, the Danes got a new constitution that seemed to anticipate the incorporation of Schleswig as a part of Denmark. This provoked an angry nationalistic response among Germans and there was a demand that the German Confederation go to war to take the two duchies from the Danish king by force. Bismarck persuaded Austria to join Prussia in an ultimatum demanding the rescinding of the Danish constitution. When their demand was not met, the two powers attacked and overwhelmed Denmarck.
  • Seven Weeks War/Austro-Prussian War

    Seven Weeks War/Austro-Prussian War
    At beginning of Seven Weeks War, Bismarck looked to take out Austria next, and shocked the world when they won in 7 weeks. Bismarck decided that a war against France would unite all Germans(including south). Nationalism had a postive affect on Germany at this time because they felt they could stick together during this time of war. Nationalism not only brought the German people together in the war, but it also gave them great pride for their country because they won the war and grew in power.
  • North German Confederation

    North German Confederation
    This is a federation of 22 independent states of northern Germany, with nearly 30 million inhabitants. It was historically important for the economic and judicial unification of Germany. This definitely was a positive affect of nationalism because it came to the attention of many states that it would be beneficial to unite with eachother in order to form a relationship. They showed their pride in their country and took advantage of the opportunities that were given when they united.
  • EMS Telegram

    EMS Telegram
    EMS Tele-Primary DocDuring the Franco-Prussian War there was an opportunity in Spanish Succession and this scared France.French wanted a pledge that William I would not do this again;he sends a telegram back.But Bismarck changes the tone and meaning of the message and publishes his version to public in hopes of angering France.This is a negative affect of (French)nationalism because they were upset at the Germans and it caused them to get into a war in which they ultimately lost.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    The conflict emerged from tensions regarding the German unification. A war against France was deemed necessary to unite the North German Confederation and the independent southern German states. Napoleon III was seized on a supposed insult in the Ems Dispatch to declare war. The Germans won and celebrated with a brief victory parade in Paris on February 17. This war resulted in a postive affect of nationalism because the people were so prideful in their country that they rubbed it inFrance'sface
  • Treaty of Frankfurt

    Treaty of Frankfurt
    Treaty of Frankfurt Primary DocThis ended the Franco-Prussian War and established the frontier between the French Third Republic and the German Empire, which involved the ceding of 1,694 villages and cities under French control to Germany. The treaty also established the terms for the use of navigable waterways in connection to Alsace-Lorraine, trade between the two countries, and the return of prisoners of war. It was a postive affect of nationalism because it brought the neighboring states/countries a better relationship.