
TØP Timeline

By a001740
  • The Band Starts

    The Band Starts
    The band was formed in 2009 by vocalist Tyler Joseph with former members Nick Thomas and Chris Salih, who retired in 2011.
  • First album

    First album
    The album named Twenty One Pilots has great songs as:
    Johnny Boy, Fall Away and Ms Believer
  • Regional at Best

    Regional at Best
    New album called Regional at Best being a Remastered version of Twenty One pilots.
  • Vessel and Josh joins

    Vessel and Josh joins
    New album with Atlantic Records with in the cover is the grandfathers of Josh Dunn and Tyler Joseph in this album we can find songs such as Migraine, House of Gold and the most famous one Car radio.
  • Billboard award

    Billboard award
    The band reached top 53 in the billboard most listen digital album.
  • heavydirtysoul

    In this song we noticed that Josh had yellow hair knowing that Blurryface was red era so in this video josh try to stop tyler from a car.
  • Skeleton Clique

    Skeleton Clique
    During Vessel and Blurryface they called their fans skeleton clique
  • Josh Dunn

    Josh Dunn
    In 2015 josh dunn had a lot of stalkers for his abs
  • Blurryface

    New band album from studio called Blurryface in this album "Blurryface" is other personality of Tyler that shows all the insecurities of Tyler In this album we can find their 2 most famous songs Stressed out and Ride and other famous songs like Lane Boy and Fairly Local.
  • ll-//

    A lot of people asked why they started painting this sign in cities ll-// and some how we dicovered it was coming a new album of TØP
  • Sucide Squad

    Sucide Squad
    They made this song from this song called Heathens

    With this new album called trench we have de story of the bishops (Nico and the Niners) try to catch tyler because he wants to leave (Dema) the city but Nico wants to keep him there and the banditos that are like the scavengers try to help Tyler to scape in this album we can find songs like nico and the niners, jumpsuit and bandito
  • Bandito Tour

    Bandito Tour
    They made a tour with songs of their albums they made.
  • Underpants Gramy

    Underpants Gramy
    When they recieved a grammy in 2015 they decided to recieve it in underpants because when they were seeing the grammys so years ago they think that they would make something like that
  • Future

    Whith the end of the bandito tour they are planing to disapear a few time to prepare a new album.