Top ten things in the 20th centuary that shape our present

  • Jan 1, 1078

    Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    "Through negotiations led by President Carter, Sinai returned to Egypt in exchange for recognition of Israel; sets framework for settling Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Arab League expels Egypt. Israel invades Lebanon, occupies its southern border." <-- briefe summary from Mrs. Fatina.
  • Hussein-McMahon Correspondence

    Hussein-McMahon Correspondence
    -Britain pledges and tells Arab that it is going to support them to get their independence from Ottoman Empire.
    -Later, Hussein and McMahon disagreed over whether Palestine was included in what they agreed on, the specific territory that will gain its independence.
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

    Sykes-Picot Agreement
    -The Ottoman Arab lands are devided into zones ruled by either French or British.
    -Palestine is put under British influence.
  • The Balfour Declaration

    The Balfour Declaration
    It basically states that Jews will have a homeland in Palestine, but Palestinians will have their rights because it is not a Jewish state it is only a home land.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    It is when Adolf Htler tortured all of the Jews in Europe as he promised to do in his book.
  • White Papers

    White Papers
    The white papers explain that Jewish immigration to Palestine shoud eb stopped because it is affecting many things in Palestine. There are white papers for the whoe world as well.
  • The Nakba

    The Nakba
    The Nakbih is almost the same as Israel's independance but shown from different perespectives. The Nakbih is called so becuase it is from the Palestinian peresective. It is also called Israel's independance becasue it is shown from Israel's perespective.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    "Nasser’s nationalization of the canal leads to military action by France, Britain and Israel. US forces allies’ withdrawal. Eisenhower threatens economic sanctions on Israel if it failed to do so." <-- a very important summary from Mrs. Fatina.
  • The six day war

    The six day war
    "Israel launches a preemptive strike and conquers the Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, which it annexed. 600,000 Palestinians become refugees. UNSC Res 242 calls for Israeli withdrawal and establishes “land for peace” principle." <-- another very important summary from Mrs. Fatina.
  • Gulf wars

    Gulf wars
    It begins in January in response to Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.