Top Ten Computer Events

  • Zuse Introduses Z1

    Zuse Introduses Z1
    The Z1, a computing device that reads instructions from punched tape, is introduced.This event is crucial to computer history because Z1 is the first programmable calculating machine that uses the binary code. Since binary code is the code of computers and is used in computers and electronic devices everywhere, this deserves a spot on the timeline.
  • The Mathematical Theory Of Communication

    The Mathematical Theory Of Communication
    The Intel 8080 processor is first seen by the world. Obviously created by Intel, this processor has been professionally labeled as "the first truly usable microprocessor." For this reason, I believe the introduction of the Intel 8080 processor played an incredibly vital part in the history of computers.
  • IBM Builds The fist Hardrive

    IBM Builds The fist Hardrive
    The first hardrive, built by IBM, contains fifty 24-inch disks and has a capacity of 5 MB. It costs over $1,000,000.
  • The Program Sketchpad Is Created

    The Program Sketchpad Is Created
    Sketchpad, the first graphics system to be seen, is created by Ivan Sutherland.
  • A Type of E-mail is Created

    A Type of E-mail is Created
    A kind of e-mail is created by Ray Tomlinson. This is exceptionally momentous in computer history because e-mail is one of the first devices to communicate electonically with someone from anywhere. E-mail has played an academic, career-related and personal role in the lives of people
  • The Intel 8080 processor is Introduced

    The Intel 8080 processor is Introduced
    The Intel 8080 processor is first seen by the world. Obviously created by Intel, this processor has been professionally labeled as "the first truly usable microprocessor."
  • The TRS-80 Model 100 is Introduced

     The TRS-80 Model 100 is Introduced
    The first personal laptop computer, the The TRS-80 Model 100, is introduced to the world. As the first of its kind, it shocked the world by presenting technology that allowed computers to travel.
  • Musical Instrument Digital Interface

    Musical Instrument Digital Interface
    This event, much like the Sketchpad program, has provided a strong, sturdy base for many modern synthesizing programs.
  • The World Wide Web is Introduced

    The World Wide Web is Introduced
    The link that connects nearly the whole world, the World Wide Web, or Internet, is introduced to the public. This is a remarkable event in computer history because the Internet is what holds all of the online programs of the world: from e-mail to Google to all the websites ever created. Without it, everything we access online would be gone. People use the Internet for nearly everything, and without it, we would be drastically behind in regards to technology.
  • The Mosiac Web Browser is Released

    The Mosiac Web Browser is Released
    Mosiac Web Browser, designed by Eric Bina and Marc Andreessen, was released into the Internet. It was the first commercial software that allowed users to access the Internet graphically.