Toddler timeline

  • Birth

    the day that prod johnson was born.
  • Period: to

    As the Years flew by

  • 13 to 15 months physical

    13 to 15 months physical
    stand alone without support for a short time.
    may climb stairs on hands and knees.
    try to turn knobs.
    may climb out of crib, high chair, or stroller.
  • 13 to 15 months intellectual

    13 to 15 months intellectual
    begin to form concepts.
    explores different features of objects as if studying them.
    slowly increases language to 4 to six words.
    starts to show preference to things and people.
  • 16 to 18 months physical

    16 to 18 months physical
    maybe able to walk sideways.
    pushes and pulls large toys around th floor.
    adds hand gestures to spoken words.
    likes to grab everything and anything.
  • 16 to 18 months intellectual

    16 to 18 months intellectual
    remembers were objects belong.
    vocab 6 to 10 words.
    scribbles more freely.
    imitates simple sounds.
  • 19 to 21 months physical

    19 to 21 months physical
    walk sideways and backwards.
    loves to run jump and dance.
    has vocab of about 20 words.
    learns to distinguish different sounds.
  • 19 to 21 months intellectual

    19 to 21 months intellectual
    from simple imitation to imaginitive play.
    vocab to about 20 now.
    can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
    learns to distinguish different sounds.
  • 22 to 24 months physical

    22 to 24 months physical
    walks side ways and backwards with ease.
    holds crayon with thumb and fingers.
    jumps with both feet off the floor.
    can start to build things with blocks.
  • 22 to 24 months intellectual

    22 to 24 months intellectual
    one year old interview
    -vocab 50 or more words.
    -becomes interested in alot more activities.
    -listens to and enjoys stories.
    -maybe able to recall what is lost and were it might be.
  • 24 to 30 months physical

    24 to 30 months physical
    -enjoys running but unable to measure sudden stops.
    -opens door knobs by turning them.
    -kicks ball forward.
    -likes to screw on and off jar lids.
  • 24 to 30 months intellectual

    24 to 30 months intellectual
    -becomes interested in children television.
    -vocab starts at 200 words goes to 500.
    -uses 2 word sentences.
    -recognizes familiar signs in environment.
  • 30 to 36 months physical

    30 to 36 months physical
    -likes to be constant motion.
    -climbs quickly to the jungle top.
    -scribbles and draws vertically and horizontally.
    -eats with forks.
  • 30 to 36 months intellectual

    30 to 36 months intellectual
    three year old
    -begins to classify objects in general.
    -vocab starts at 500 and increases to 900-1000
    -becomes more skilled in making puzzle.
    -starts to use past tense and plurals.