Toddler Development

  • Baby is born!

    Baby is born!
  • Period: to


  • 13-18 Months- Physical Development

    13-18 Months- Physical Development
    • May begin to stand erect with slight support -May climb out of high chair, crib, or stroller -Takes steps while holding parents hands -Improved grasping skills -Uses spoon while spilling a little -Squats down smoothly from standing position -May be able to walk sideways -Pushes and pulls large toys around on the floor
  • 13-18 Months- Cognitive Development

    13-18 Months- Cognitive Development
    -Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures
    -Slowly increases language to four to six words
    -Attempts to imitate words others say
    -Responds to own name
    -Begins to use words instead of gestures to express some wants
    -Refers to self by name when asked
    -Says "no" more often than any other word
  • 19-24 Months- Physical Development

    19-24 Months- Physical Development
    -Runs without falling often
    -Loves to run, jump, and climb
    -Uses one hand more than the other
    -Bounces and sways in dancing movements
    -Snips paper with scissors
    -Holds crayons with thumb and forefingers
    -Jumps with both feet on floor
  • 19-24 Months- Cognitive Development

    19-24 Months- Cognitive Development
    -Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    -Imaginitive play
    -Has a vocabulary of about 20
    -Matches sounds that animals make
    -Continually asks "What's that?"
    -Listens to and enjoys simple stories
    -Follows simple directions
  • 25-30 Months- Physical Development

    25-30 Months- Physical Development
    -Torso lengthens and body fat disappears
    -Is able to kick ball forward
    -Enjoys playing on jungle gyms
    -Climbs everywhere indoors
    -Opens doors by turning knobs
    -Can soap hands and arms easily
    -Can carefully turn pages in a book
  • 25-30 Months- Cognitive Development

    25-30 Months- Cognitive Development
    -Becomes interested in children's TV shows
    -Uses objects in make-believe games
    -Enjoys playing house
    -Remembers sequence of stories and may be able to retell them
    -Recognizes familiar signs in environment
    -Vocabulary increases to 200 words, and increases more to 500 later on
  • 31-36 Months- Physical Development

    31-36 Months- Physical Development
    -Likes to be in constant motion
    -Walks on tiptoe
    -Jumps from any elevated object
    -Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motions
    -Eats with a fork
    -Builds towers of six or more blocks
    -Sits in adults chairs and may prefer these to smaller chairs
    -Goes up stairs by alternating feet, goes down one foot at a time
  • 31-36 Months- Cognitive Development

    31-36 Months- Cognitive Development
    -Classify objects into general categories
    -Intellectual curiosity in reading books and watching tv
    -Tries new play activites to discover more about how things work
    -More skilled in putting puzzles together
    -Recognizes self in pictures
    -Understands relative size
    -Starts to use past tense and plurals
    -Vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900-1000 words