Uncle sam

Timetrench Timelines

  • James Nelson Platt Trains in R.O.T.C.

    James Nelson Platt Trains in R.O.T.C.
    A young James Platt attends the University of Maine under R.O.T.C. He was required to take a military training class. In the class, he flourished as a marksman, even with a gun that he saw as subpar. His skill with a gun would serve him later in life when he was assigned to drill his platoon in Northern France. His time at Maine would end in February 1912.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated
    Serbian nationalists wanted to break off with Bosnia to form an independent state separate from Austria-Hungary. On a visit to Serbia to inspect Imperial troops, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated with his wife by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian terrorist group known as the Black Hand. This caused Austria-Hungary to Declare war on Serbia a month later.
  • Nations Take Sides

    Nations Take Sides
    Europe was divided into alliances, so if one country entered into a war, all of the countries in that country's alliance would also go into war. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which was in an alliance with Britain. Germany, which was in an alliance with Austria, declared war on Britain and other members of the Allied powers, which caused Britain and other allied nations to declare war on Germany and other Central powers. Soon, more than half of Europe was at war with each other.
  • The Fighting Begins

    The Fighting Begins
    French and German forces clashed northeast of Paris in the First Battle of the Marne. In this battle, French troops were transported by automobiles; this was the first time troops used automotive transports. Germany ended up retreating to the Aisne River, digging in trenches for cover in the open fields, marking the beginning of trench warfare. This was also the first battle to use radio intercepts. Germany lost this battle.
  • A New Terror

    A New Terror
    On this day, the Second Battle of Ypres began. Germany initiated a chlorine attack against French and Algerian Soldiers, killing 5,000. Chlorine gas irritates the eyes and skin, causes severe lung damage, and causes fluids to build up in your lungs, killing you. This would mark the beginning of massive and lethal chemical warfare during World War 1. After this, many allied countries began to produce their own chemical weapons. No side made any significant progress in this battle.
  • The Lusitania is Sunk

    The Lusitania is Sunk
    The Lusitania -- a British ocean liner -- is sunk, killing many passengers. Among these passengers were 128 U.S. citizens. This was the first major casualty of Germany's devastating, unrestricted submarine warfare and would be one of the things that got the U.S. into the war. However, the ship was carrying supplies for the Allies, which also lead to its destruction. Also, the captain of the ship ignored warnings regarding possible dangers. There was blame on both sides of the situation.
  • Tragic Losses

    Tragic Losses
    The First Battle of the Somme begins. On the first day, some 20,000 were killed. Britain had 57,000 people either dead or injured, making it the most catastrophic day in Britain's military history. After the long campaign was over, over 1,000,000 died. The battle was meant to distract Germany from Verdun, which was dragging on and devastating. This was one of the most costly battles in the entire war. By the first halt of the offensive, Britain had failed to break the German line.
  • The U.S. Goes to War

    The U.S. Goes to War
    America was extremely agitated by the number of American passengers being killed due to Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare. However, the straw that broke the camel's back came when the U.S. caught wind of the Zimmerman Telegraph. This was a telegraph from Germany to Mexico that offered Mexico Germany's help in reconquering old territory in America. This finally forced President Wilson to go to war.
  • A Secret Weapon

    A Secret Weapon
    Tanks are first used by British forces in Cambrai, France, during the Battle of Flers-Courcelette to break through German forces. They were able to catch the enemy by surprise and were able to take thousands of prisoners without suffering too many casualties. However, bad weather prevented Britain to use its new territory. Germany was able to take back almost all of the lost land.
  • Platt Heads to France

    Platt Heads to France
    Platt’s division, the 4th Division, began their journey to France. Platt boarded a ship called the Aquitania. On his way there, he was given a prewritten letter to send back to his family that told them that he was overseas; the only thing that he had to do was to sign. This was an effective way to send mail since the military would not have to inspect every single letter to make sure no confidential information was accidentally leaked.
  • Platt Becomes a Map Maker

    Platt Becomes a Map Maker
    Platt’s superior, Captain Hoopes, gives him the task of becoming a map reader. He needed a map of a section they would be going to, and he needed to know any places that the enemy could hide in. Platt is sent to an abandoned French village to make a map of it as practice. He enjoyed the solitude.
  • Platt Takes Charge

    Platt Takes Charge
    Platt and Captain Hoopes scouted out an area in Villesavoye, France, to find a spot for headquarters. Platt was sketching a map of the terrain when enemy shells landed near him. He was fine, but Captain Hoopes was hit in the chest, decapitating him. With the last commanding officer dead, Platt had to lead a group of men through the area at night. Using his map skills, he was able to get the men to safety. He remained at that village to establish a message center and find rations for the gunners.
  • The Meuse-Argonne Campaign

    The Meuse-Argonne Campaign
    The Meuse-Argonne campaign begins. The purpose was to work off of successes of other offensives to cut off the German 2nd Army. Over a million American soldiers fought in this offensive, making it the largest American Expeditionary Forces operation in the war. Although American General Pershing stopped the campaign four days later, it was started again on October 4th. It would continue until an armistice was called, ending the entire war.
  • Platt is Shot

    Platt is Shot
    Platt, a part of the 12th Machine Gun Battalion, was advancing toward the Kriemhilde Stellung, a part of the Hindenburg Line, during the Meuse-Argonne Campaign. Platt stood up to eat breakfast when the Germans attacked. Still standing up, Platt pulled out his Colt-45, his only weapon besides his machine gun, and fired. He wasn’t sure if he hit anybody, but he was shot in the left shoulder, dropping his gun. He wondered whatever happened to that gun.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    On the verge of defeat and revolution, Germany and the other Central Powers agree to peace with the Allied Powers, stopping the fighting. Soldiers who were once enemies embraced each other in piece. Afterward, the Treaty of Versailles was created to lay out punishments for Germany's part in WWI. In included reparations among other punishments. November 11th is now known as Armistice Day, however it is known more popularly as Veterans Day, now celebrating the sacrifice of veterans in every war.