Timeline Project

  • The first two years: Biosocial

    When I was 14 months old I learned how to walk on my own. I was not walking early for my age but I was about in the middle range for walking at my age. Normally by 15 months 95% of babies know how to walk.
  • The first two years: Cognitive Development

    When I was about 15 months old and could walk alone, I would always walk into the bathroom when my parents were not looking. I would unroll all of the toilet paper on the roll and try to shove it all in the toilet. This would be stage five of the sensorimotor intelligence known as the "little scientist" phase.
  • The first two years: Psychosocial Development

    When I was 22 months old my mom started taking me to my grandmas so that she could babysit me while my mom worked. When she left I would cry for a while then play but when she came back I would run to the door to greet her. I was in between secure and insecure attachment because I cried when she first left but I would always be so excited to see her when she came to pick me up at the end of the day.
  • The play years: Biosocial Development

    When I was four years old I was in pre school and I loved to draw pictures and color. Most of my pictures were basic shapes like circles or squares with lines coming off of them. At about four years old I was just starting to learn how to draw pictures or figures that were some what legible. My mom saved some of my art work when I was younger and Even though I couldn't write I had drawn my family and they all looked identical. At this age I was drawing like most four year olds.
  • The play years: Cognitive Development

    When I was a little over 5 yeras old I remember always wanting the biggest of anything and everything. If there were 2 glasses of milk I wanted the one that had more in it or I wanted the bigger slice of pizza. This reminds me of Piaget and his rule about conservation and logic. Something can have the same amount but if you change the apperance then one thing may look larger or appear to have more. This usually happen when a child is about five.
  • The play years: Psychosocial Development

    When I was 5 I was my mothers clone. I wanted to do everything she did. I would try on her clothes and shoes and follow her around at the hip. This reminds me a lot of identification where I coped with fear and guilt by taking on my moms personality.
  • The School Years: Biosocial Development

    When I was 7 years old I remember my mom enrolled me in soccer. I hated it and I begged her to let me quit but she forced me to finish the season. I figured out that she made me do soccer to not only stay in shape and get some exercise but she didi it so i could learn teamwork. I am the oldest child so I never had to get along with kids but when I started soccer I had to learn to work with the kids to try and win the game.
  • The School Years: Cognitive Development

    When I was in school most teachers had all of our names up on cards. The cards were yellow, green, and red. The green meant you were being good, yellow meant warning, and red meant that the teacher would call your parents and tell them that you were misbehaving. This is known as classification where we learn how to organize things into groups.
  • The School Years: Psychosocial Development

    When I was 8 I had to switch schools. In my old school I had a lot of friends and we got along great. When I switched schools I was the loser with no friends. Girls would call me a loser and walk away when I tried to talk to them. This is social acceptance, I wanted to be friedns with the girls in my new school so bad but they would not accept me. After a month or two the girls came around and started being nice to me so we all became friends.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial Development

    When I was 14 years old I remember that all of my friends were much taller than me. I used to get called names because I was not as tall as them. My mom told me that I just did not have my growth spurt like they did. I was worried i would not get mine but sure enough a few months later I got my growth spurt and was just as tall as they were.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive development

    When I was 15 all I remember is only thinking about what I looked like. I could spent hours in a store shopping and it would take me over an hour to do my hair everyday so it would look perfect. This is known as adolescent egocentrism because I was very self absorbed and olny cared about my apperance.
  • Adolesence: Psychosocial Development

    Around this time I remember I started to pull away from my family. Instead of wanting to spend time with them I started to spend all of my free time with my friends. I also started to become friends with boys and all of my friends would do things like go to the movies or walk around.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial development

    Around this time I joined a gym. I started to pick up good health habits so that I could stay healthy and in shape. I started to go to the gym about 4 to 5 days a week. I also started eating healthier to help me stay fit. Most people this age will start to pick up good health habits.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    I had just started school at the University of Detroit Mercy. I want to get my nursing degree so I decided to further my education. I have met a lot of new friends in the school and the school has a lot of different people so that I can further educate myself on different cultures in my school.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    In school I have met a few close friends that I plan to keep for a long time. In these years many emerging adults make life long friends in college and they also can meet a partner for a lifelong relationship. I have met a partner that I plan on spending the rest of my life with but I am too young to get married so we plan on waiting until we both graduate for college.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    When I am an adult I plan on having three kids. I have always loved children and I would do anything to have my own kids. Incase I cannot have kids I would plan on using In-vitro fertilization to helpw me with the process of having children.
  • Adulthood:Cognitive Development

    In my late 30s I will be starting to slow down and not be able to do certain tasks as well as I could. I will try to work harder at certain tasks to make up for what I can not longer do. This is known as selective optimization with compensation.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    In my mid 40s I may go through a midlife crisis. I hope I do not but incase I do I will probably feel that I have lost my identity. If my kids all go away to college I may feel old and lost without them.. I may become depressed and try to change certain things about my life or I may act on impluse and buy a new car.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    When I am about 65 years old I will be slowing down but I will probably experience elderspeak from my family. My family talks to my elders in a defferent tone but we always joke about it. I have no doubt that my family will talk to me like a baby as well.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    By the time I am 70 I am sure my memory will start to worsen. I will probably suffer from dual-task deficit where it will become hard for me to focus on more than one task at a time. My elders do suffer from this. My great grandmother cannot do more than one task at a time without forgetting the other task. I feel that I will follow in her footsteps on this aspect.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    As I get older I will feel the need to remain close with my friends and family. My family is very close and we always get together just to be around eachother. My elders love to be with family and I feel that as I age I will want to always be with my family because that is what my life will revolve around.
  • Death and Dying: Death and Hope

    I will be about 87 when I feel that my time will near. I think that I will feel complete with my life and how I have lived. I feel that as I age I will be more involved in my religion so that when I die I may rest in peace. I am catholic so I will practice that religion so that I may enter into heaven.
  • Death and Dying: Dying and Acceptance

    I hope when I die I die a good death. I want to die quick, peaceful, and painless. I do not want to suffer and I do not want to make my family watch me suffer. My grandpa died in his sleep. That is how I would like to die so I do not suffer.
  • Death and Dying: Bereavement

    After I die, My family will be very sad. They will experience grief and bereavement which is a sense of loss following death. I do not want my family to be sad for long. I want them to remember me when I was healthy and happy.