Timeline of Russian History

  • Oct 27, 1200

    Mongol Warriors take over

    Mongol Warriors from Central Asia conquere Kievan Rus. Under Mongol rule, the Keiv lost most of its power.
  • Jun 18, 1480

    Ivan III

    Known as Ivan the great, Ivan the third ended mongol rule and declared independance.
  • Oct 21, 1547

    Ivan IV

    Known as Ivan the terrible, he used a secrity police to carry out his will. He expanded his empire, but killed anyone who thought it was wrong.
  • New Capital

    Peter the Great builds a new capital, St. Petersburg. This was close to Europe near the Baltic Coast.
  • French invade

    The French invaded Russia and took control of Moscow. The Russians distroyed everything the French could use, so the French had to retreit in the cold winter.
  • Alexander II

    He freed the serfs but did not give them proverty. He began to modenerize Russia's economy.
  • WWI

    From 1914 to 1916, WWI had begun. Russia joined with France and Britan and aimed to fight Germany and Austria. They were not prepared and lost a lot of men and it was blamed on Czar Nicholas II.
  • The last Czar

    The people staged a revolution to make the czar stand down from the throne, then later that year a second revolt that overthrew the temporary goverment. They later became a communist state and the capital was moved to Moscow.
  • WWII

    With WWII lasting from 1934 to 1945, in 1941 Germany had invaded the Soviet Unoin. The Soviet Union joined with the US and Great Britain to take down the Germans. About 20-30 million people had died.
  • Cold War

    From about 1940 to 1990, the US and the Soviet Union were in a no combat war. They never got hot at each other, so it was considered the Cold War.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    The Soviet Union falls after Mikhail Gorbachev tried to refore the Soviet Union. This only made thigs worse. Now people were in doubt to the country. By 1991 all of the govenment had fallen.
  • Kievan Rus become Eastern Orthodox Christianity

    Kievan Rus become Eastern Orthodox Christianity when missionaries or peopel that move to another area to spread their religion, brought this form of Christianity from the Byzantine Empire.
  • Slavs show up at Kiev

    The slavs show up at Keiv (which is now the capital of Ukraine) and creat a cilivization called the Keivan Rus.