Timeline of 1966-1976

  • Setting the stage for the Cultural Revolution

    Mao and his wife Jiang Qing set the stage for the Cultural Revolution. Jiang Qing writes literature criticising anti-communist ideas and Mao begins to replace key people in his administration.
  • Unofficial beginning of the Cultural Revolution

    In this event, Mao ousted nobles and bourgeoisie from high positions. Therefore, this was called the unofficial beginning of the Cultural Revolution. Short term effect - ousted bourgeoisies from positions of high power
    Long term effect - ended centuries of influence from noble families.
  • First dazibao

    A young teacher wrote a dazibao against a university professor, claiming that they are anti-party gangsters. This led to more students creating these posters to criticise their professors and educators.
  • Red Guards form at Beijing University

    They are students who organised to oust intellectuals and Mao's enemies. These students were fed up with the inequality in the educational system. They were given a lot of power, and they were able to seek revenge on those they dislike.
  • Mao writes a dazibao

    Mao writes a dazibao to attack Liu Shaoqi
  • Sixteen points directive

    The CCP passes the Sixteen Points, which announces the government's support of the Red Guards as Mao's primary weapon to carry out a great revolution.
  • First Red Guard Rally in Beijing

    Mao meets with the Red Guards, and he gives them permission to smash anything that is reminiscent of the old culture of China.
    Short term effects - Not really much except for loss of old cultural artifacts.
    Long term effects - a gradual change in culture. In Hong Kong for example, Mainlanders are seen as rude, and this could be because of the Cultural Revolution and how Mao got rid of the old Chinese culture, which consisted of hospitality and manners.
  • Chaos Escalates

  • Campaign to promote Mao's cult of personality

    Promotion of Mao's personality as a god-like figure, basically erecting a new cult in China, a new religion. His portrait was hung everywhere, in public spaces, and in people's homes. The little red book was also published, which had Mao's quotes and had propaganda that no one questions the chairman.
    Short term effects - children are unable to think for themselves. The little red book is the only absolute truth they know
    Long term effects - An entire generation of brainwashed people.
  • Red Guards Dismantled

  • Down to the Countryside Movement

  • Ninth Congress of the CCP

  • Lin Biao Affair

  • Criticise Lin Biao, Criticise Confucius campaign

  • Events leading to the end of the Cultural Revolution

  • Tiananmen Incident