
Timeline about Henry VIII

By Icer858
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Henry Tudor's Birthday

    Henry Tudor's Birthday
    Henry Tudor, the son of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth York, was born on June 28, 1491.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    In 1503 Henry took the throne.

    In 1503 Henry took the throne.
    In 1503 King Aurthor died and Henry took the throne.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    In 1534, Henry VIII declared he was head of Church of England.

  • Jan 1, 1537

    From 1536 to 1537, a great northern uprising took place.

    From 1536 to 1537, a great northern uprising took place.
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Henry Tudor's Death

    Henry Tudor, the son of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth York, was born on June 28, 1491 and died on January 28, 1547.
  • Apr 20, 1547

    His only son, Edward VI, beacame king after Henrys death

  • From 1491–1547 Henry VIII had 6 wifes