Jackson senate (1)

Time line of Andrew Jackson's life

  • Begingings

    Born in Waxhaw, South Carolina to a family of poor Irish immigrants. Jackson's father died before he was born and his mother and his two brothers died before he was 14
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The war was led by George Washington and was fought between Britain and the 12 British colonies in North America
  • Joins the war

    Joins the war
    Jackson joined the war at the age of 13
  • Marriage

    Andrew Jackson married Rachel donelson Jackson who was a widow with 11 childern. Jackosn raised them as if they were his own kids
  • house of Representative

    house of Representative
    Andrew Jackosn becomes a member of the house of Represenataives 1796 through 1797.
  • senator

    Andrew Jackosn becomes a Senator 1797 through 1798
  • justice on supreme court

    justice on supreme court
    Andrew Jackson becomes a justice on the supreme court of Tennessee
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    Jackson fought in the war of 1812 whicih was considered the second war of Independence
  • Seminole War

    Seminole War
    Jackosn fought in the first seminole war when American slave owner went to spanish flordia seaching for runaway slaves from Africa
  • Governor of flordia Territory

    Governor of flordia Territory
    Jackson becomes the Governor of the flordia territory
  • United States Senator

    United States Senator
  • Presidency

    Jackson Became 7th president of the united states at the age of 61 and served for 8 years until 1837
  • second semihole war begins

    second semihole war begins
    President Jackson signs the indian removal policy
  • death

    Andrew Jackson died June 8 1945 near nashville, he died of consumption,dropsy and tubercular haemorrhaging