
This my life

  • Birth

    I was born on October 9, 1996. It was on a Wednesday at around 4 pm. I was the only child at that time. (not me in pic. link:
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    My Life

  • Baby brother is born

    Baby brother is born
    My brother James was born on June 25,2000. It was on a Sunday. Fun Fact: Michael Jackson sadly died on June 25, 2009. (link:
  • Meeting my best friend

    Meeting my best friend
    It was the first day of 3rd grade and I was looking for a friend to make. While lining up for lunch, I suddenly said (to no one in particular) If they wanted to be my friend; and out of nowhere I hear her say "Yea." So that is how we became best friends. Through out the years her and I have gone through thick and thin. It has been 13 years since we've meet.
  • Going to High School

    Going to High School
    The first day I went to high school was in 2011 and it went fairly well, even though I didn't know anyone. I've meet and lost some friends throughout HS but it turned out just fine. Since my school was two stories I had to use the stairs a lot more often that I wanted, but hey at least I got some exercise at school. (link:
  • My first job

    My first job
    My fist job was in the year 2014 at Wet N' Wild as a lifeguard. Wet N' Wild was kinda a fun place to work at because we got to test ride the rides. When we rotated to different spots we could ride our way down to the bottom. (link:
  • Getting let go

    Getting let go
    At Wet N' Wild, I would usually call in sick (being the idiot I am) just so I wouldn't go to work. But for some reason when I did they apparently didn't receive some of them and would get put on some list. When they told me I was getting let go I actually didn't care because, in my head I though it was alright because, it was a seasonal job. (link:
  • Dropping out

    Dropping out
    I dropped out of public school in the year 2015 the week after spring break. It was a difficult decision for the reason that I was getting stressed out due to my credits. At my other school I had to get 28 credits to graduate but they made an acception for me considering I went to a different school that required 22 credits. For me to pass I would need 25 credits but at that time I only had 18. (link:
  • Drivers license

    Drivers license
    After learning how to drive for about a year, I was ready to get my drivers license! My mother and I went to the DMV on October 1,2015. We waited for a little more than an hour just to get my drivers license (typical of course). I was a little nerves considering that I had to parallel park before actually driving with the instructor, If I didn't pass my parking I automatically failed (Thank goodness I didn't). I surprisingly did well with my parking and actually got to do the test. I Passed!
  • Relaxing for the first time in 12 years

    Relaxing for the first time in 12 years
    After dropping out of high school I finally got to let my mind go free of stress and I got to do what I wanted for the longest time, sleep until the pm. Of course I didn't do that all the time as I would learn how to drive by picking up my friend from school and go out somewhere or, I would run errands for my parents. Other than actually driving I got to do regular teen without worrying about my assignments; like going to the mall, read some books, catch up on celebrity news (just kidding)...etc
  • Trying to get my diploma

    Trying to get my diploma
    Here I am now trying to get my High School diploma instead of a GED. I actually thought of just getting my GED or going back to public HS for my diploma but I choose online HS. I believe I have 20.5 credits as of now but of course I need to do English 11A and 11B to actually graduate. At least i'm not stressing over school like I was in my previous school. (Link: