The World War 1

  • The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The Spark off reason of the war was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serb rebel's bullet while touring Sarajevo in Bosnia. Ferdinand and his wife Sophia were fatally wounded.
  • The World War 1 Begins

    The World War 1 Begins
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. World War 1 Begins.
  • The battle of the frontiers

    The battle of the frontiers
    French with the help of British who landed in France few days earlier and German forces collide along the eastern borders of France and southern Belgium.
  • Tsar Nicholas II starts to take command

    Tsar Nicholas II starts to take command
    The Tsar began to take control of his army and led his army to a lot of casualties because of the lack of development and ineffective military strategies of Nicholas II. His bad decisions will lead his country to the revolution to change the leader of Russia.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    One of the biggest battle during WWI. This battle cost 160000 men in the Allied side. Verdun was very important to defend because it was the last protection before Paris.
  • The battle of Somme

    The battle of Somme
    This battle was an Allied offensive aimed to take back their land. Like Verdun the number of dead was enormous but the Allied managed to win this offensive. The entire Somme offensive cost the British army almost half a million men.
  • Russian revolution

    Russian revolution
    After ineffective policies, Russian people started the revolution with Lenin. This revolution stop the Russian involvement in WWI which was a bad news for Allied who were hoping for the Russian to help.
  • US declaration of war

    US declaration of war
    After many American casualties by Germany, US decided to declare war and help Allied
  • End of the war

    End of the war
    At 11 am, the war was ended. Millions of people died and were injured in this war
  • Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen points

    Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen points
    Wilson's peace plan to end WWI. It calls for free trade, an end to secret pacts between nations, freedom of the seas, arms reduction, and the creation of a world organization called the League of Nations
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The peacemakers summoned representatives of the new German Republic to the palace of Versailles outside Paris. The Germans were ordered to sign the treaty drawn up by Allies. German reparations would come to over $30 billion dollars. They were forced to assume full responsibility for causing the war.
  • The Treaty of Sevres

    The Treaty of Sevres
    The Ottomans, who had sided with Germany and Italy and also face defeat in Syria and Palestine, were made to sign the treaty of Sevres
  • The Treaty of Versailles takes effect.

    The Treaty of Versailles takes effect.
    The Treaty of Versailles come into effect.