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The Wallflower

  • The Boom

    The Boom
    On this day at 9:08am I was tossed into this world of hurt in pain. I left the warmth of my mother and was forced into the big world of the unknown.
    With no choice I was forced to become a human and be challenged by people and godly figures.
    And I forged ahead with no idea what strugles that would occur.
  • Time to Dive

    Time to Dive
    I finally met Katie! A friend that would become family.
    I started swim. Which would change who I became. I learned to grow up with not only a team but a HUGE family.
    The Robalos became my summer family for long years!
  • The World Would Never Be The Same

    The World Would Never Be The Same
    My family of 8 hopped on a flight to Europe. We spent weeks traveling Spain and chaning my life forever.
    Between seeing the history in front of me, and seeing the future changing before my eyes, my life became a flower blossoming before me.
  • Something Magic

    Something Magic
    I found out that I was a big sister to two beautiful children. Both of which, I still to this day have not met. But, seeing pictures of their two beautiful faces, tears ran down my face with no where to go but down. They became the center of my whole world. My two babies that I love with every bone in my body, every breath in my lungs, and every beat in my heart.
  • The World Came Crumbling Down Around Me

    The World Came Crumbling Down Around Me
    My best friend for 9 years and I graduated Ophir Elementary. And became freshman at Placer. That day, would be the last day I saw people who I had become friends with for 3 long years. Changing my whole world.
  • The Concert of a Life Time

    The Concert of a Life Time
    The Barenaked Ladies.
    A band I grew up listening to with my family. And I got to go to see them in concert. Yes, it may have been pouring rain. But it was magical.
  • Happy Death Day

    Happy Death Day
    My confidence boosted so much at the Interact Haunted House! My custom scared so many people, making me smile more and more.
  • Everything Changes

    Everything Changes
    Freshmen year I found out I had another little brother. But, on my dad's side.
    So, you could say I was suprised.
    But I do love him. He will be my responsiblity if anything ever happens to my dad..
  • The Big 11

    The Big 11
    I had been swimming with this girl for offically 11 years!
  • The Golden Hillman

    The Golden Hillman
    My first day of sophmore year!
  • Who Knew I Could Smile?

    Who Knew I Could Smile?
    Justin. He changed my life. He was my everything for two LONG months. Until he walked out of my life with my smile walking with him.
    But his homecoming, we were happy. Really happy.
  • The Sun and the Moon

    The Sun and the Moon
    Mexico, I was able to be with my amazing sister for a full week. Of calm, relaxing sun.
  • Becoming a New Person

    Becoming a New Person
    I dressed up and became someone else for a minute. But, I was smiling. And that's what matters..
  • Změna životnosti

    Změna životnosti
    I got to go to the amazing Europe once again! And I got to travel the world and see amazing things that only Europe has!
  • The Day of the Dead

    The Day of the Dead
    On this day. I tried to kill myself. I became strong and weak. I never knew that was possible. For a long time, I wished that I died when I swallowed those pills.
    But then I realized that I stayed for a reason. It could not have been just by chance. And I made the best of it. I still am trying to.