The Unification of Germany, Jenny Cruz and Mindy Feldman

  • Frankfurt Assembly

    Frankfurt Assembly
    The liberals of the Frankfurt Assembly once again wanted German political unity. Frederick William IV of Prussia was offered the throne of one of the united German states. This offer was rejected by the ruler of Prussia because he did not want a throne if it was offered by "the people"
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    The revolutionaries were in favor of and pushed for more political freedom, democracy, natonalism, no censorship, and liveral state policies. The economy was in poor condition, there was a lot of population growth which lead to lack of food, and it was one of the main causes of the revolution. Eventually the conservative aristocracy crushed the revolution and the liberals were exiled.
  • Erfurt Union

    Erfurt Union
    One of the first attempts to unify germany. The creation of this union was proposed by the Prussian Kingdom, but it never really came into effect. The union ended on the 29th of April, 1850.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    Otto Von Bismarck
    Otto Von Bismarck was First Prussia's Diplomat in Russia and France. King William I made him prime minister. Within 10years, he became chancellor (highest official of monarch). Bismarck's policy was "blood and iron", he thought it would unite German States under the Prussian rule.
  • Austria and Bismarck Form an Alliance

    Austria and Bismarck Form an Alliance
    Otto Von Bismarck formed an alliance with Austria. Then Prussia and Austria decided to take two provinces from Denmark. After the provinces became theirs, they liberated the two pieces of land. Otto Von Bismarck, all of the sudden, decided to attack Ausrtia, this lead to the Seven Week War.
  • Seven Week War

    Seven Week War
    Otto Von Bismarc starts disagreements between Austria and Prussia over Holstein, so the Seven Week War started with Austria and Prussia. Prussia had a great victory against Austria at the Battle of Sadowa.
  • North German Confederation

    North German Confederation
    Prussia had a great victory in the Seven Week War. Prussia winning caused the North German Confederation to be established. This meant the German Confederation vanished. Also, Austria excluded from all of German affiars.
  • Bismarck and the Southern Provinces

    Bismarck and the Southern Provinces
    Otto Von Bismarck turned to realpolitik (realistic politics based on the needs of the state,) to unite the German provinces by creating a war against common enemies. Bismarck forged a note from the French ambassador saying the ambassador insulted the Prussian king.
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    This war lasted until the tenth of May, 1871. Otto Von Bismarck forged a note, which led to French declaring war on Prussia, which they lost. The victory was the final component of German Unification under king Wilhelm I of Prussia. It also marked the downfall of Napoleon III, and end of Second French Empire, and replaced by Third French Republic.
  • Birth of second German Empire

    Birth of second German Empire
    After France's victory, princes from south and north German states convinced William I of Persia to take the title as emperor. In January 1871, German Nationalists celebrated the second reich (empire). This new empire was considered the heir to the Holy Roman Empire